Title: Choices (prompt #004)
Rating: PG-13 (slight mention of drug and alcohol use)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Greg Goyle
Author's Notes: Greg didn't receive
Hate until after he sent this letter off.
When I didn't get any letters I thought didn't you say I've been dying here, thinking you didn't want anything more to do with me. I behaved horribly. Will you ever forgive me? I just received your letters. I don't know what happened but Rave and Lex tracked me down in Boston and gave them to me. I honestly thought you were finished with me, that I'd screwed up so much and you'd washed your hands of me. I adore you, my Maeve, you know that, don't you?
Are you and River pranking me? I hope not. I wouldn't mind being your one true love. Did you two really go out and get tattoos? It's not like you to go and do something like that without me. Yours is beautiful, just like you are. Well, I guess I can't be too disapproving since I got a tattoo while I was in Boston. I sent along a picture of what I have, just the raven though. I couldn't help but think of Morrigan and her ravens when I was standing there in the tattoo parlour. She controlled wars and let no one hold her back. I rather thought it amusing after I showed it to Raven that he explained that his mum insisted on his name because her family's totem was the raven.
I am concerned that you two were so unconcerned with your safety that you dared sneak away from the protection that Hogwarts provides. It's over and done with, I just hope you both had your wands at the ready the entire time. Promise me you won't do it again. If anything happened to you...
You are still coming for the hols, right? I'd understand if you don't want to come. There are so many things that you've said that worry make me wonder if I've not shown you how much I love you. You will come. You have to.
I'll stay away from the drugs and alcohol until you arrive. There are so many things I want to tell you now but that I would rather show you face-to-face.
I love you,