Title: Hate (prompt #13)
Rating: G
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Greg Goyle
Author's Notes: In the world Jess and I created Greg is Val to Tracey as she is Maeve to him.
My Maeve,
I hate it here. I know I shouldn't so please don't reprimand me. I don't know what it is about this place, other than you aren't here with me. Raven and Alexi have redoubled their efforts to help me integrate. I know I mentioned that in my last owl and I do remember your advice to try and settle in here. I can't. Every bloody time I close my eyes I see Mum and Father beaten and bloodied on the foyer floor. I need you here, mo rós.
I am not sleeping and eating is a thing of the past. I hesitate, as I sit here staring out over the mountains, to tell you just how difficult this is for me. I need the smell of the sea, the comfort of Stone Walk, and most importantly you, Tracey. The mountains are beautiful this time of year, lush and green, but all they do is remind me of you of home. I miss Ireland already. Never once in all my years at Hogwarts did I wish for home as I do now. Then again, I always had you at my side, didn't I?
I hear Raven's grandfather calling so I should get this sent off. Write me soon, Poppet. I miss you.