Title: As the Turn of the Worlds
Chapter Title: Iroh's Tale
Summary: Aang never woke up from the iceberg, and the world went on without him, and without the Avatar. Now, three thousand years later, the Avatar is a barely-remembered myth, bending is regarded as a relic of a rightfully-dead past, and a man smuggles a large box onto a transport ship
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Comments 6
Loving the simple, concise explanation of the Avatar, and have I mentioned lately that I adore this story and your writing? 'Cause I really really do.
Good job, sweets. :D
Thank you! :D
And I must say that the Zuko/Ty Lee/Suki/Sokka ship ride is going to be awesome. Any of them alone is funny, together? Wonderful chaos. Suki even makes extortion look cute.
This chapter is where the story really begins to unfold, I think, with the characters making that irrevocable decision to stick with Aang instead of shrug him off on someone else. Plus, I got to throw in some backstory from Iroh and a little Mai/Jet tension. Win-win, as far as I'm concerned! :D
It makes me really, really happy to see others enjoying this.
I look forward to Sokka finding out exactly what this inconvenient prince person has to do with his sister *g*
oh God that (talking to Ozai) was awesome.
Irooooooooooooooooh and TOPH. oh Toph. Your empathy is surprising and heartwrenching at the same time.
I LOVE Mai's reasoning and the idea of Aang being hope for the Outer Rim and eeeeeeeeek.
MOMMY MODE both a reference to earlier in the fic and Katara's character in general and OH GOD I AM SO EXCITED FOR EVERYONE TO MEET AGAIN and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK knowing there's so much more of this story is like the BEST PRESENT EVER.
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