(I'm foregoing the long header due to headache.)
Chapter Title: Inside
In This Chapter: Sokka arrives at the plot, Katara joins up with Jet's crew, and we find out what's in the box.
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Chapter Five: Inside )
Comments 12
I like the twist of having both master yu and the other guy be plants from some government agency or another.
this is definitely your strongest chapter so far in terms of pacing!
I had some fun with that. I wish I could fit in a full explanation for their shenanigans, but there's so much else going on that I really couldn't find a way to shoehorn it in without disrupting the rest of the story. D:
So I take it they're all going to have to run out of there together and meet up with Freedom.
Aang in a box! Things would've been much easier for Zuko in ATLA if he'd known Avatars came prepackaged.
Aang in a box! Things would've been much easier for Zuko in ATLA if he'd known Avatars came prepackaged.
I actually cracked up at this. *snerk*
Toph's little standoff with Thing One and Thing Two is awesome, and the recurring theme of "wish I could see their expressions" is very well handled. She's still Toph, but it kind of sucks to have that disadvantage even if Maria is an awesome babe.
Jet was perfect. Best intro for him possible.
And Suki! "(her heartbeat sped up a bit; who knew that Katara's genes would look so good on a man?)" explains so much about her so fast, and her little tirade managed to target both Zuko and Ty Lee, which takes some doing.
I'm sure there are laws against letting chapters end at this sort of cliffy. This fic is getting SO exciting.
Toph's interrogation of the three guys was just awesome. Points to Iroh for not being intimidated by Toph, a gun to his head, or another gun to his head.
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