Too Old?

Mar 29, 2009 05:28

I am beginning to think so. Am exhausted. Been staying up too late, going out too much (Is there such a thing after being alone for so many years) I mean one in the morning isnt late except when you have to get up at 5 the next morning (still when you're younger it doesnt seem to matter). Or talking on the phone half the night ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

wiccarowan March 29 2009, 14:42:29 UTC
Probably no consolation but I've felt like this for years. I've almost given up alcohol altogether because even one glass of wine gives me headaches now. Friday nights, when you're "meant" to go out on the town, I usually get takeaway in front of the TV then fall asleep on the sofa like an old lady.

I'm thirty-six.


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