Title: Secret Smile Author: MamaLaz Pairing: Andrew/Justin Rating: PG Story Summary: Andrew has a secret smile. Notes: This is semi-AU, A/J are broken up here but still... well, reading it makes more sense. :D Link: ( Secret Smile )
Nah, it's not a series. :D I just get bored and pop another out. :D
Oh, I'll eventually write a fic when Justin leaves properly and Andrew will be desolate :D And then Andrew will stop being such a ass to Justin once and for all :D
Yay! A new fix, er, I mean, story! *mumbledamnaddictionmumble*
Anyway, nice, sweet fic. I'd never guess that Justin could be such a weasel. Poor Kyle. I don't know him but I symphatize with him already. Makes me want to see Justin ditch Andrew once and for all, but in that case, where will I get my fixes, er, stories?
This was just a mean angst-fic I had to write :D I never write angst usually but those two.... hoo, it's all I can write! And you can't be too hard on Justin, he's a fool in love :)
Yeah well, still I think idea of AU fics with Kyle getting his heart broken is kind of...appealing to me. XD Do you plan on using this character in a fic again? Or write AU like that?
That was great (as usual)! Andrew and Justin can't be apart, they need each other! But well, poor Kyle... (especially since he makes me think of Kyle in "Eating out", who is in love with Ryan Carnes characther Marc, and I like him so much, don't wanna see him hurt *lol*).
And I'd love it if you wrote about the first time Justin cheated on Kyle with Andrew! =)
Comments 26
poor Jus. I really just want him to kind of give andy his walking papers once and for all. Jus deserves better than he gets with Andy.
Oh, I'll eventually write a fic when Justin leaves properly and Andrew will be desolate :D And then Andrew will stop being such a ass to Justin once and for all :D
Thanks for the review! :D
Anyway, nice, sweet fic. I'd never guess that Justin could be such a weasel. Poor Kyle. I don't know him but I symphatize with him already. Makes me want to see Justin ditch Andrew once and for all, but in that case, where will I get my fixes, er, stories?
This was just a mean angst-fic I had to write :D I never write angst usually but those two.... hoo, it's all I can write! And you can't be too hard on Justin, he's a fool in love :)
Only this Kyle...poor guy. ^^"
I know, I feel for him too, I'm bad for creating him just so he gets his heart broken :P
Do you plan on using this character in a fic again? Or write AU like that?
I might do, I quite like Andrew and Justin apart but unable to leave each other alone... it's weirdly romantic :D
And I'd love it if you wrote about the first time Justin cheated on Kyle with Andrew! =)
Heh, I'm SOOO tempted...
Please please please! =)
Ack, stop tempting me! :D
Poor Kyle though..But I like anyway..:P
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