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Comments 7

gonzo21 July 10 2017, 11:26:24 UTC
I wonder if people sign up to Prime for the free delivery and deals more than the streaming tv service. Because every time I've tried the tv service I've found it to be highly rubbish. Poor selection, usually watched everything on it I want to see in a week, and don't touch it for the rest of the free trial month.

But the free delivery service is excellent.


mlknchz July 10 2017, 15:40:41 UTC
The only thing I've watched on it was the first episode of "The Man in the High Castle"


andrewducker July 10 2017, 22:03:51 UTC
American Gods for me.


gonzo21 July 14 2017, 17:05:50 UTC
I think I got as far as episode 3 before tedium set in. Such an interesting premise, but such a dull show.


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