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Comments 24

ext_2864067 February 5 2017, 12:54:47 UTC
Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm a little baffled as to why the anti-Jewish lot are so emboldened right now, as if they actually think that Trump in office is a win.

His son-in-law is Orthodox Jewish, and is highly influentual in Trump's inner circle. The idea that Trump's offences are likely to extend to persecuting Jews seems remarkably unlikely.


gonzo21 February 5 2017, 13:04:05 UTC
My impression is that all of my American jewish friends are very aware that Trump and Bannon are super cozy with the neo-nazis, and first they came for the Muslims - then they came for the Jews is in effect.

Which I think is... not an unreasonable concern to have.


ext_2864067 February 5 2017, 14:13:29 UTC
To me, it parses a little like the common and often harmful error of assuming that all of our enemies are exactly the same people.


anton_p_nym February 5 2017, 15:19:15 UTC
That same error answers your question above; the pro-Trump bigots simply assume that alt-right means Reich supporter and run with it. And both Trump and Bannon are opportunistic enough to accept that support whatever their personal inclinations. (Me, I'm assuming that Trump is at least a bit anti-Semitic given his addiction to stereotypes; human psyches are infinite in their internal contradictions and it's a mistake to assume he can't be a bigot because "he has a black/Jewish friend".)

-- Steve thinks it's perfectly rational for Jewish people to be extremely concerned with the rise of Trumpism. (Along with the rest of us who aren't "Real Americans" according to the frothing Trumpists.)


Who is the Git? pink_halen February 5 2017, 13:14:42 UTC
The fool that 1)named a computer process git. And 2) foisted it on us.

I've always thought GIT was an insult.

Git is a term of insult with origins in British English denoting an unpleasant, silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying, senile, elderly or childish person.


RE: Who is the Git? ice_hesitant February 5 2017, 13:58:04 UTC
"Git" was named by people who were used to calling a photo editor "gimp".


Re: Who is the Git? mair_aw February 5 2017, 14:42:31 UTC
I never understood how the wii took off.


Re: Who is the Git? theweaselking February 5 2017, 14:25:37 UTC
Linus Torvalds. "I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First 'Linux', now 'git'."


seraphicwing February 5 2017, 14:37:27 UTC

2017 seems to be the year of the Nazis and is almost making 2016 look tame by comparison. :(


octopoid_horror February 5 2017, 18:19:09 UTC
Isn't the Trump administration managing to be anti-Jewish whilst also anti-Palestine/pro-Israel at the same time? Which is an impressive feat.


newandrewhickey February 5 2017, 23:00:44 UTC
More common than you might think in the US. In particular, a *lot* of the nastier fundamentalists believe that the apocalypse happening would be a good thing, and that the apocalypse can't happen until the Temple is rebuilt, which would require an expansion and consolidation of current Israeli territory.
They *also* believe that any Jewish person who doesn't convert to Christianity deserves to burn in hell for all eternity, and that "the Jews killed Christ".


theweaselking February 5 2017, 23:44:27 UTC
Yes, what he said. Entirely.

Consider also "Left Behind".


henriksdal February 6 2017, 08:01:01 UTC

I have total deja vu about the cleaning swastikas off the subway car - was there a similar incident about a year ago?


andrewducker February 6 2017, 19:28:37 UTC
I can't place one right now, but I wouldn't be that surprised.


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