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Comments 12

gonzo21 February 2 2017, 12:39:16 UTC
No way, Waterstones made a profit?!! Bloody hell.

Wonder why ebook sales are dropping. Maybe because of the price point issue? Why buy the ebook when for a pound more you can get the papery version.


naath February 2 2017, 14:22:31 UTC
Because my house is full, and ebooks take up zero space?


woodpijn February 2 2017, 16:35:23 UTC
Agreed. I've been annoyed recently by digital films actually costing more than the DVD, so you have to choose whether to pay extra to avoid the clutter.


EU mobile phone roaming cost-cuts a step closer cartesiandaemon February 2 2017, 14:04:20 UTC
That would have been really nice :(


Warhammer demon thing apologises for wearing fur cartesiandaemon February 2 2017, 14:08:29 UTC
I am a bit conflicted here. On the one hand, although nominally standing for something I mostly agree with PETA are generally awful and everything they say is usually tragically wrong, and I this particular objection is ridiculous (although, effective at generating publicity).

On the other hand, a lot of rebuttals seem to be saying, "but Warhammer has lots of bad stuff, so why does fur make a difference", and that thinking can be really damaging. Like, yes, Warhammer has lots of death, destruction, evil, mass murder, etc, etc, but it also screams "this is a bad thing, enjoy this edgy fictional portrayal, but don't do it in real life". But it also has things which are generally cool and not particularly evil. And I think it shows fur in the second category. So although I don't think this issue is one which there's any point to fight, I think it's wrong to say, "but this shows both A and B, so they must be equally ok" when it's showing you that A is bad and B is good.


RE: Warhammer demon thing apologises for wearing fur ext_2864067 February 2 2017, 19:11:59 UTC
If you investigate the meaning of the phrase in 40k lore 'there are no wolves on Fenris', you'll see that all the Space Wolves' pelts are actually kind of distinctly veering toward category A.


octopoid_horror February 2 2017, 18:46:59 UTC
Will we still benefit from EU roaming cost cuts in a few years though!


mair_aw February 2 2017, 19:08:41 UTC
... every time we visit Scotland, perhaps?


octopoid_horror February 2 2017, 19:16:51 UTC
Unfortunately I suspect Scotland's actual chances of being in the EU long term are around zero


mair_aw February 3 2017, 13:08:28 UTC


flick February 3 2017, 17:01:52 UTC
Warhammer demon thing apologises for wearing fur

I thought that this was just a funny spoof of the sort of things PETA do, but then I read Ansible and realised they really had complained about it. Sigh.


andrewducker February 4 2017, 15:46:40 UTC
It did get them some publicity. But I do wonder who it actually attracted...


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