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Comments 5

bart_calendar January 27 2017, 12:22:41 UTC
The argument against a law for a camera on every cop is that a lot of policing is done undercover and those cops, who are generally the most effective at getting really bad criminals off the street would be fucked.

The other problem is that confidential informants, which is the second most common way of getting really shitty people off the street, would stop being CIs if the cop had a camera on him.


cartesiandaemon January 27 2017, 12:34:29 UTC
On every cop in uniform or something? "Everyone suddenly agrees and enacts a policy to that effect so quickly that there's no time to discuss exceptions" doesn't seem like that the biggest risk.


momentsmusicaux January 27 2017, 13:04:04 UTC
> The officer, according to the video, grills the mother on her parenting skills, and she erupts in anger. That set the stage for the officer to pull a Taser

US police really have shit people skills, don't they? What happened to 'Why don't we all calm down, sit down, and have a cup of tea?'


danieldwilliam January 27 2017, 15:13:28 UTC
I think some of that stems from their training period and programme. The training and probationary period for a Scottish police constable is two years. I get the impression that for US police forces it varies but is typically significantly less and has more emphasis on physical arrest procedures and so on.


momentsmusicaux January 27 2017, 15:25:56 UTC
I think it was in these very links that I read an article some time ago about how Scottish police have a culture of de-escalating conflict, and even backing off if necessary, whereas US police have much more of a culture of bravado. It seems like that officer (and others in similar cases) can't handle being told they're wrong.


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