Economic InterestspeadarogDecember 6 2016, 13:58:32 UTC
In the pro-Remain article about people voting against their economic interests, I came across the line: "the very British notion of fair play." This kind of thing annoys me for several reasons. 1) I am not British -- it is highly insulting to suggest I have no sense of fair play. 2) Fairness, I'm pretty sure, is baked into humans in general. They may have different notions of what constitutes fair, of course. 3) I understand politicians from every country need to emphasise how great and special their people are in order to attract votes, but this is part of where petty-nationalism, and by extension, Brexit, comes from. Surely, this is self-defeating behaviour for a Lib-Dem?
On developers vs. end users: '... you’ll be younger and experience less age-driven degradation of your abilities than many of your users.' This
( ... )
The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than cartesiandaemonDecember 6 2016, 17:15:08 UTC
To be fair, I'd rather debug an intermittent concurrency error than try to book a meeting room in any electronic meeting room booking software... :)
But yes. I try really hard to remind myself that that skill level is normal, and not shameful, and I shouldn't be weird about assuming it's common. (Just like, people who can't add money, or people who don't know how to change their oil, etc etc, many of which include me.)
After seven years, The Last Guardian frustrates as muchcartesiandaemonDecember 6 2016, 17:18:50 UTC
:( I *still* need to play ico (I mostly play on PC).
It sounds like, if you needed to build a rapport with the beast, that *might* be interesting. But it's mostly just frustratingly random, which isn't fun. Building an entire game around an escort mission is bold in the first place, it seems they maybe pushed their luck too far with this one even though it's gorgeous :(
Comments 17
1) I am not British -- it is highly insulting to suggest I have no sense of fair play.
2) Fairness, I'm pretty sure, is baked into humans in general. They may have different notions of what constitutes fair, of course.
3) I understand politicians from every country need to emphasise how great and special their people are in order to attract votes, but this is part of where petty-nationalism, and by extension, Brexit, comes from. Surely, this is self-defeating behaviour for a Lib-Dem?
(The comment has been removed)
But yes. I try really hard to remind myself that that skill level is normal, and not shameful, and I shouldn't be weird about assuming it's common. (Just like, people who can't add money, or people who don't know how to change their oil, etc etc, many of which include me.)
It sounds like, if you needed to build a rapport with the beast, that *might* be interesting. But it's mostly just frustratingly random, which isn't fun. Building an entire game around an escort mission is bold in the first place, it seems they maybe pushed their luck too far with this one even though it's gorgeous :(
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