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Comments 14

bart_calendar July 14 2016, 11:07:50 UTC
At one of the Holocaust museums in America the pokemon that inhabit the place are the ones that shoot poison gas.


ext_2864067 July 14 2016, 11:27:23 UTC
I suspect Niantic didn't offer Pokémon-free locations to begin with due to the risk of property owners trying to extort large sums from them. However, they could perhaps do with acting on this. Like, really quite quickly, for the sake of ARGs in general as well as their own reputation.


sidhe_uaine42 July 14 2016, 18:10:31 UTC
Concerning Auschwitz: FFS, why not use one of the surrounding businesses as the "hunting grounds"!? I mean, leave the landmark the fook alone! It's like if they used the site of the Jonestown "massacre" or Sandy Hook Elementary School! * throws up hands in frustration*

I'm going to go play with my flatmates. I think their catnip toys are ready for feline abuse.


andrewducker July 14 2016, 22:52:24 UTC
I am _hoping_ that the initial locations are all chosen algorithmically, and no human deliberately did that.

But they really should have thought about it.


drdoug July 15 2016, 06:55:27 UTC
There's a Pokemon gym at the local nursery. Not an ideal choice as a location for lots of young men to be hanging around staring at their phones intently and looking very shifty to people who don't know why they're standing there.

(From reading and talking to people, Pokemon Go seems to be attracting people from all ages and genders, but the only people I've seen playing it on the street so far are youngish white blokes.)


drdoug July 15 2016, 07:09:09 UTC
On Pokemon Go and inappropriate locations, I think there's two separate issues here ( ... )


andrewducker July 15 2016, 10:58:17 UTC
I think you're right on both counts, although it would not be unreasonable for Niantic to create Pokemon-free zones in areas of a particularly sensitive nature.

Or where there are landmines.

Or crocodiles.

(I am not looking forward to the explosion when a child at a zoo is trying to capture a Pokemon and falls into the polar bear enclosure.)


drdoug July 15 2016, 14:23:17 UTC
Yeah, we can definitely add 'dangerous cliffs' to the areas where it would not be unreasonable for Niantic to create Pokemon-free zones:

That is honestly faster than I thought. Truly we live in wondrous times!

Although, as several people are remarking, the Pokemon Go thing has caught on so far so fast it does seem like something out of an sf story, where it turns out to have been a prelude to an alien invasion or some other civilisation-level disaster. Like everyone watching the green shooting stars in Day of the Triffids or something. Gotta catch 'em all! Before they catch us ...


andrewducker July 15 2016, 14:25:53 UTC
It's a fascinating phenomenon.

See the story about race on today's link post?


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