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Comments 19

bart_calendar February 13 2016, 12:03:44 UTC
If Ripley can beat Rey next week I think you are right.

If she can do that she can probably take Sarah Connor and Leia.

(Of course my predictions could be way off.)


emperor February 13 2016, 15:32:13 UTC
Companion cube >>> Tetris block :p


bart_calendar February 13 2016, 15:36:53 UTC
Go vote!


emperor February 13 2016, 15:39:36 UTC
I just did :)


gonzo21 February 13 2016, 14:07:27 UTC
Jesus wept, facebook continues to be a fucking sewer.

Or is that twitter the Emily R. story is on... Twitter, okay. Sheesh.


andrewducker February 13 2016, 14:08:35 UTC
Facebook People.


gonzo21 February 13 2016, 14:15:31 UTC
More public naming and shaming required.

I really really liked that article you posted a while ago about the Instagram girls who would take the dickpics they were sent, and go and approach the wives and girlfriends on facebook to say hey, you should know your fella is doing this.


kashandara February 15 2016, 13:19:07 UTC
This. Maybe the internet would be less full of keyboard warriors/anonymous heroes if we moved it away from the anonymity of their keyboards...


nancylebov February 13 2016, 14:30:24 UTC
I've been online since the nineties. I use my obviously female name. I must have been doing *something*. I've run into some abuse, but really rather little, certainly nothing like a twitter storm.

My impression is that we need some quantification, or else women will be scared off more than they should be.


alitheapipkin February 13 2016, 15:45:20 UTC
Well, I think it's pretty clear that being in the public eye makes you far more of a target. I mean, I've been online since the late 90s using an obliviously female pseudonym and abuse has mostly passed me by too but I'm not a public figure and I'm very careful what I engage with on twitter because I've certainly witnessed plenty of abuse there. Daring to discuss politics doesn't help either - I've been insulted in political discussion groups for daring to challenge someone while the offender in question was perfectly willing to engage with another man who expressed more or less exactly the same opinion as me.


mair_aw February 13 2016, 15:46:26 UTC
fwiw I've seen you commenting here (and maybe other places) for years and I always vaguely assumed male; it never occurred to me that nancy might be your actual name.

I've never been in a fb/twitter storm either but maybe I'm just not famous enough.


threegoldfish February 13 2016, 23:15:12 UTC
My brain always wants to parse that username as "Nan Cycle Boy" so perhaps that plays a role.


emperor February 13 2016, 15:31:17 UTC
Do please keep linking to the Nerd Madness posts :)


bart_calendar February 13 2016, 15:38:24 UTC
Here is the anchor post.


Just click on the links in it to vote on whichever divisions interest you (or all the divisions!)

And feel free to share the link.

The more voting the better!


benicek February 14 2016, 17:48:31 UTC
My cousin and his wife became foster parents to a teenage girl who had become alienated from all of her extended family by abuse. She liked living with them and their small daughter a lot and soon went on to university and a new independent life. It was a great success.


andrewducker February 14 2016, 20:03:02 UTC
I think that's awesome.


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