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Comments 10

gonzo21 February 9 2016, 13:25:55 UTC
I think there have always been Otters on the leith. My father remembers seeing them when he was a kid playing down there.


a_pawson February 9 2016, 17:16:45 UTC
It's possible they have been present even if they had no holt. Otters tend to have a massive range. It's not unusual for them to roam 30 miles or more from their holt - and quite often significant distances over land.


gonzo21 February 9 2016, 17:45:09 UTC
I did not know that. That's an extraordinary range.

These could be sea otters then?


momentsmusicaux February 9 2016, 13:39:33 UTC
> Warriston, Saughton and Juniper Green

That's quite a range! I was thinking it would be worth taking a walk down there one weekend to try to spot it, but that would be quite a long walk!


momentsmusicaux February 9 2016, 17:47:18 UTC
The Water of Leith is deceptively windy. I once decided to cycle home along it from Stockbridge, rather than the more direct route through town, and it took something like an hour. Turns out it takes quite a massive detour out to the back of the prison.


chess February 9 2016, 14:05:12 UTC
I agree with the basic premise of the morality piece (the world clearly matters differently to different people) but there are two different (sometimes conflicting :-) ) things I also believe on top of that, which reintroduce ways to align a moral compass:

1) I believe that we live in a universe which does have a God we can accept or reject, and while there will be some people who are sufficiently rebelliously-wired that not accepting this is worthwhile for them, those people are a small minority at most;

2) The modern secular project, where we attempt to make space in society for the widest compatible set of ways the world matters to people, is a good project - it will necessarily exclude some people whose way-the-world-matters is incompatible with too many other people's, however, and those are just going to be collateral damage. I am usually fairly happy to reconcile this to 1) by muttering 'render unto Caesar'.


agoodwinsmith February 9 2016, 19:31:07 UTC
I shared the cat thing with a fellow worker who is also a slave to cats, and I agree with her assessment: "I did a cost-benefit analysis, and I've decided to keep them." :)


murasaki_1966 February 10 2016, 00:42:44 UTC
My cats have got through some very bad times.


agoodwinsmith February 10 2016, 19:15:04 UTC
Regarding Twitter: I have recently been introduced to this artist:

The above is Stromae, and his Carmen. :)


andrewducker February 11 2016, 00:08:15 UTC
That was very nicely done!

(For some reason I've always thought that French rappers were particularly good at it.)


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