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Comments 10

gonzo21 November 21 2015, 13:00:02 UTC
I find it extraordinary that the FDA see's no need to label genetically modified food in the States.


gwendysmile November 24 2015, 16:42:42 UTC


bart_calendar November 21 2015, 14:33:05 UTC
Now that half the staff of Kotaku is going to be laid off when they for some reason merge with IO9 I wonder if the blacklist will end.


andrewducker November 22 2015, 00:03:44 UTC
I hadn't heard about this. What's happening?


bart_calendar November 22 2015, 00:30:38 UTC
Denton is pissed off about the union, the fact that people didn't support him when he nuked that story about the closet gay dude and that the staff accussed him of hating women.

So, he's gone on a weird witch hunt and is consolidating a ton of the sites.

There's no official list (though IO9 is confirmed dead) but if you google around at all you should be able to find posts from writers bitching and screaming that Denton fired them for no good reason.

And, honestly, it really looks like plain old sexism is why the people who got fired got fired.

John Cook, Denton's hatchet man, said anyone who didn't work for Jezebel but who wrote about "gossip" was getting fired. You can see the implication there, I suspect.


andrewducker November 22 2015, 00:35:44 UTC
That's terrible!

I wonder if this is death throes for the whole organisation.


kalimac November 21 2015, 16:10:29 UTC
I didn't think anyone was still using the "atoms as solar systems" metaphor. I'd think it was still OK for certain limited purposes, but generally it seems to be - what's the word they use for HTML tags? - deprecated.

I'm sure glad I didn't see the X-Men movie in which Magneto up and moves the Golden Gate Bridge. My eyes would have rolled back so far I wouldn't have been able to get up and leave.

The moral lesson of the story about Leo Tolstoy and Jane Addams is that Tolstoy was a sanctimonious ass. I read an article a few years back about an opposite-sex couple whose problems at Customs were exacerbated because they weren't married, but who were proud of this because they'd stayed unmarried in solidarity with same-sex couples who (at the time) couldn't get married. And I wondered, how does boycotting marriage help anybody? You're not hurting marriage, which is not a corporation whose policies you want to influence, you're just inconveniencing yourself, and vaguely insulting those same-sex couples who can and do get married.


andrewducker November 22 2015, 00:05:16 UTC
That X-Men movie was _terrible_ for so many reasons. Mostly because Bryan Singer went to make a Superman movie (that wasn't very good) handing over control to Brett Ratner, who did a terrible job of bringing together the threads that the first two movies brought together. A real shame.


andrewducker November 22 2015, 00:05:54 UTC
He was absolutely a sanctimonious ass. But a fair number of activists seem to feel like this, and it's a definite problem.


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