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Comments 18

gonzo21 September 24 2015, 11:38:40 UTC
Ah fuck, not more Prometheus.

I had not heard about a serving general making these comments about staging a military coup if Corbyn became PM. How was that not huge news?!

Well. I know the answer why.

The elites will not give up their grasp of power easily. I am absolutely convinced now that if Corbyn looks like he might win in 2020, he'll have a very convenient 'heart attack'. And join that list of decent Labour chaps who have died with very convenient timing.


andrewducker September 24 2015, 11:47:17 UTC
There were articles about the mutiny in the Guardian, Independent, Mail, Mirror, and Metro (as well as lots of smaller places). I don't think it was hidden.


gonzo21 September 24 2015, 11:49:44 UTC
Probably because I've only really been catching the BBC news at 6 the last few months when I sit down for my dinner.


steepholm September 24 2015, 15:40:23 UTC
It wasn't hidden - but it's true there was very little evident effort put into tracking down the general who'd threatened a coup. How does it not fall foul of terrorist legislation, for one thing?


bart_calendar September 24 2015, 11:56:47 UTC
Emmerich is such a dick. I think I spent half my time on Facebook yesterday talking about that interview.

His belief that being a gay white male director explains his changes is insane.

Look, J.J. Abrams is a gay white male director and is giving us a black storm trooper and a female storm trooper - in effect making a franchise much more diverse than it ever was before. And showed that in Alias that if a director really wants to they can insert gay white male actors into things seemlessly (Star Trek, Alias.)

Bryan Singer also seems to be able to handle diversity in his films.

Under teh logic Emmerich is using if he was tasked with making a MLK biopic he'd cast Neil Patrick Harris in the title role.


andrewducker September 24 2015, 11:59:04 UTC
NPH would make an amazing MLK in a musical biopic.

I'm assuming it would be called "Dream!"


bart_calendar September 24 2015, 12:01:37 UTC


ckd September 24 2015, 15:45:20 UTC
My reaction to that quote: "so George Lucas is a whiny kid who grew up to be an evil childhood-ruining Sith Lord? This explains so much."


bart_calendar September 24 2015, 12:07:02 UTC
The only way I see the Prometheus thing working is if Scott pulls a Cameron and shoots all three sequels at the same time. As it is he's involved in the production of Blade Runner 2 and Alien 5 - I just don't see him having the time for a ton of Prometheus films. And if he does do it he needs to create a character the audience can identify with. The Alien films work because everyone likes Ellen Ripley. We don't have an equivalent character in the original Prometheus. (Having James Cameron, Davin Fincher and Joss Wheedon pitching in also helped with the Alien franchise.)


naath September 24 2015, 12:12:58 UTC
Addies> yeah, it's common knowledge around here that the staff are really great, but the system is unbelievably awful with records getting lost or failing to be updated all the bloody time.


anef September 25 2015, 09:43:09 UTC
What I had heard is that they implemented the new all-singing all-dancing computer system as a "Big Bang" without either doing parallel running or a staged implementation. This was because they didn't have the budget for a properly managed implementation. I'm not a computer person and I may have misunderstood what I've been told, but the words "recipe for disaster" do come to mind.


kalimac September 24 2015, 13:50:24 UTC
What if you disliked Return of the Jedi, and one of the several main reasons you did so was that you hated the Ewoks? There was too much Ewok in that movie not to affect my overall view of it.


andrewducker September 24 2015, 15:24:43 UTC
Then you're in the same state as women looking at some movies and going "No, this movie has been ruined by some of the things it does, they just make it too unlikable for me to watch it."


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