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danieldwilliam September 3 2015, 10:17:46 UTC
What I've been told is that Orcadians view Carmichael's actions as pretty serious. The legal action is crowdfunded and I don't get the impression that it's just SNP activists providing the funding.

I have also been told that "serious" people have warned Liam McArthur, the local MSP that the Carmichael affair is damaging his prospects of re-election. (Personally, having worked with Liam McArthur I think it would be a damn shame if it did).

Looks like the locals are pretty cross about it.

There doesn't seem to be huge local enthusiasm for the SNP. The Northern Ilses were pretty sceptical about leaving the UK and pretty sceptical about the SNP's tendency to centralise things in the Central Belt

(I should add for full disclosure that my main source for this is a long-term Labour Party activist and particularly not keen on the SNP - so he is interpreting what he's hearing through that lens.)


gonzo21 September 4 2015, 11:18:29 UTC
My Orkney friend is on the same vibe as this.

They may well elect another LD candidate. But it won't be this candidate.


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