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Comments 7

gonzo21 May 31 2015, 11:42:41 UTC
I've not seen mad max yet, but I did wonder having seen the trailer and some clips if the editing played a big role.

So many action movies are just... so badly shot and framed these days, that weird zoom in on the action so every fight scene is just a weird random blur of motion bullshit. (Something else I blame on the Star Wars prequels, before them, fight scenes were often quite beautifully choreographed. After, most were just an exhausting and confusing mess.)


andrewducker May 31 2015, 12:38:46 UTC
Oh yes. I've found, for instance, the Batman movies pretty bad for fight scenes because so much of them is done with blurriness and camera movement that you can't actually see the fights!


gonzo21 May 31 2015, 13:47:31 UTC
One of the many things I liked about the Dare Devil series was that the fight scenes were shot and framed in such a way that you could really appreciate the athleticism and hard work that had gone into them.

It wasn't just two guys close up to the camera waving their hands and arms very quickly back and forth in front of the lens.


rhythmaning May 31 2015, 12:45:22 UTC
"Experiment confirms quantum theory weirdness".

Quelle surprise.


andrewducker May 31 2015, 12:47:32 UTC
Some people still seem to be holding out hope that eventually they'll find the billiard balls underlying the quantum, and there will be something there that makes sense on a human level.

I suspect not, at this stage.


heron61 June 1 2015, 09:47:49 UTC
Indeed. The number of physicists (and others) who both expect and desperately wish for the existence of orderly determinism beneath all of the quantum weirdness is not small. OTOH, I remain very pleased at the utter lack of any evidence for such an underlayer.


heron61 June 1 2015, 09:45:00 UTC
Schools in the UK Are Now Asking Muslim Children to Fill Out “Counter-Extremism” Tests

Dear gods that's simultaneously ridiculous and seriously creepy, I'm again reminded of the comment someone made about the conservatives winning resulting in life-action V For Vendetta.

It's rare for political news from anywhere in the rest of the developed world to make me glad I'm in the US and not there, but this is one of those rarities.


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