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Comments 5

gonzo21 April 6 2015, 19:00:23 UTC
Labour are even bigger idiots than I'd imagined if they thought for a second that anybody in Scotland would buy that Sturgeon would prefer a Tory government over a Labour one.

Maybe for the purposes of 5 more years of this ConDem murdering-the-poor-and-disabled crap leading to an inevitable Scottish independence, then yes. But otherwise... nobody is ever going to believe the SNP favour the Tories. Voters aren't going to believe that. It just sounds like more increasingly desperate bullshit from Labour.

The PR machine will ramp up against her now though. The elites have no interest at all in a left-wing firebrand starting to get any traction in Westminster.

Scary though isn't it. Look at the roaring success she's had simply by espousing a few left wing ideas. What a breath of fresh air that has been in politics that have been dominated entirely by the center-right. It amazes me that Labour are too afraid to be Labour anymore.


What _is_ going on with the "leak" about Nicola Sturgeon? drdoug April 6 2015, 20:06:21 UTC
Bloody depressing is what it is.

In a better world the rest of the media would report it as "Telegraph sinks further in to the journalistic mire by printing obvious forgery that fools nobody." For heaven's sake, even the author felt obliged to lampshade the ludicrousness of this happening in the final sentence.

I used to think that today's media-savvy world would not fall for this sort of nonsense in the way people of the past fell for obvious frauds. Obviously not.


Re: What _is_ going on with the "leak" about Nicola Sturgeon? andrewducker April 6 2015, 20:12:18 UTC
Maybe, if it continues to rebound as badly as it has been, they'll bloody well stop!


Re: What _is_ going on with the "leak" about Nicola Sturgeon? drdoug April 7 2015, 05:41:14 UTC
Maybe I am asking too much of the media. Today's top story appears to be "Blair backs Labour in the general election" which is firmly in "man bites dog" territory. But how firmly did it bite?


apostle_of_eris April 7 2015, 23:55:15 UTC
I triple-checked that Warwick bit to see that the date wasn't April 1.


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