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Comments 19

alitheapipkin August 27 2014, 11:14:07 UTC
Oh my that Tru Blood finale sounds appalling! I've only seen the first two seasons, I keep vaguely meaning to watch some more but if I'm honest I think the theme tune has always been my favourite thing about it. It has the same problem as Grey's Anatomy where I like some of the minor characters but hate the central romance and have no time for the two characters involved in it. Amongst its many flaws that is.


momentsmusicaux August 27 2014, 13:35:10 UTC
Stop now. Anything beyond season 2 will sully the memory of what has gone so far. 3 and 4 if you really want to, but by then you'll have accepted the drop in quality and you'll be tempted to plough on into the total crap.


alitheapipkin August 27 2014, 14:22:27 UTC
I'm most likely to stop now. My record for going back to things is poor these days, I still haven't made it to the end of Angel and we own that on DVD! Or watched the second half of the last season of BSG...


andrewducker August 27 2014, 14:05:24 UTC
Season 1 and 2 were good. Season three was pretty good, four was watchable, and then five was bad. The _ending_ of five was appalling, and I stopped after one episode of season six to see if it had returned to form.


bart_calendar August 27 2014, 11:16:24 UTC
I liked Bloodline.

I agree that the third hellraise was a piece of shit. The second Hellraiser is awesome. And Revelations is good.


ext_208701 August 27 2014, 12:03:56 UTC
If I were CloudFlare, I'd ship all the traffic to Telstra from Europe and pay European transit prices, while leaving Telstra footing the bill for importing it over their trans-pacific / trans-atlantic cabling. Meanwhile serve all their competitors direct over their Australian peering sessions so that Telstra foots the bill and their competitors get better service.

That said I'm amazed they aren't peering more of their traffic - I'd have expected peering ratios of 80%+ given how much Mythic Beasts can peer and we don't have global data centres, although our eyeballs are very UK-centric.


momentsmusicaux August 27 2014, 12:21:05 UTC
Yup, the TB finale was abysmal. The whole final season was a waste of space. To anyone starting out with the show now, I would say watch only seasons 1 & 2. If you REALLY like it, and are prepared for the slow downward trend, watch 3 & 4. And then stop. Definitely stop.


gonzo21 August 27 2014, 13:17:38 UTC
3 and 4 definitely had their moments. I still quite enjoyed some of it during 3 and 4, so long as it was surrounding any character other than Bill or Sookie.

But yes, 5, and particularly 6 and 7. It's really hard to understand how such poor quality writing made it onto HBO.


momentsmusicaux August 27 2014, 13:35:46 UTC
Marnie was a good character, but IIRC they totally messed it up.


gonzo21 August 27 2014, 13:44:29 UTC
That was the coven leader wasn't it, when they had the wicca group become the seasons big bad.

Yeah, they pretty much messed that whole storyline up. But at least it was a storyline. Something later seasons forgot to offer.


joexnz August 27 2014, 12:35:42 UTC
I had wondered about tru blood, now I know
I just leave it where it is
First episode of season 5 was enough


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