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Comments 47

Robin Hood danieldwilliam September 25 2013, 11:17:13 UTC
On the basis of that report I’m not sure about voting Labour at the next election ( ... )


Re: Robin Hood andrewducker September 25 2013, 13:10:16 UTC
Yup, that made about as much sense as the original speech did :->

Seriously, it felt like the clumping foot of fascism.

"Letting people see porn will cause some people to become scared, and therefore we should ban it, because otherwise Hitler!"


gonzo21 September 25 2013, 13:12:06 UTC
How dare you criticise! Criticism is one of the leading causes of Hitler!


andrewducker September 25 2013, 13:15:07 UTC
What terrifies me is that some people believe this.


Energy Price Freeze danieldwilliam September 25 2013, 11:26:36 UTC
I think the government could make a price freeze stick for a year or two. Longer than that and we probably start to run in to issues with fuel costs and security of supply.

But it should focus the attention of the major players in one of the least well functioning markets in the UK.


gonzo21 September 25 2013, 13:15:29 UTC
Not to worry, I expect our political overlords will probably decide sometime soon that electricity is the leading cause of internet, therefore electricity causes Hitler, therefore poor people should no longer expect to have access to electricity.


danieldwilliam September 25 2013, 13:22:09 UTC
I think it undeniable that there is strong correlation between electricity and the interent. No one I know without electricity has access to the internet.

Furthermore Electricty = Science = Atheism = Hitler.



gonzo21 September 25 2013, 13:31:33 UTC
Simply reading this has made me 23% more Hitler.

I demand action immediately!


xenophanean September 25 2013, 13:19:16 UTC
That Telegraph "article" is written in a "style" which I normally associate with "bullshit". It more properly belongs in the Daily Mail.


andrewducker September 25 2013, 13:20:27 UTC
Please criticise content. If there's something wrong in there, then point it out. Simply pointing and shouting doesn't do anything for anyone.


xenophanean September 25 2013, 13:25:22 UTC
The problem with the style was implied in the post. Using other people's quotes in a snide manner, because the reader clearly knows-what-that-means, and occasionally quoting stuff which looks like it's the author's opinion, not actually a quote, to make it sound authoritative:

"Labour is also considering changes to planning laws to force rural residents accept building developments and more compulsory purchase orders, leading to warnings of a “Stalinist attack on property rights”."

Who's warning of a Stalinist attack on property rights?

I can go on, it's not the only problem with the article.


andrewducker September 25 2013, 13:27:50 UTC
Much better!

I agree that that's rubbish - if you're going to quote someone then name your sources, otherwise you could be (and quite possibly are) just making shit up.


rhythmaning September 26 2013, 21:00:13 UTC
David Blunkett going on about pornography. Clearly his he is too preoccupied with it!


sin of Sodom apostle_of_eris September 30 2013, 22:09:14 UTC
Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. - Ezekiel 16:49


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