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Comments 26

philmophlegm August 15 2013, 11:05:11 UTC
Interesting about Nighy - he was the most talked about candidate when Eccleston got the job, so I wonder if he was actually first choice then. That seems the most likely.


andrewducker August 15 2013, 11:48:17 UTC
It does - although I wonder how much they rewrote stories once Ecclestone was in place.


philmophlegm August 15 2013, 14:51:19 UTC
Indeed. And not just stories, but the whole character of the 9th Doctor.


Real, true facts. No. Really. No fake facts here. cartesiandaemon August 15 2013, 11:45:10 UTC
LOL. Yep, sounds good to me.

Although, and I had to look this up on wikipedia, if you increase the pressure enough (10,000 atm?) you can eventually get hot water to turn into ice, although it has a different crystal structure to normal ice.



artkouros August 15 2013, 12:40:01 UTC
If it's not canned it must be pharmaceutically enhanced. Because The Big Bang Theory is just not that funny.


andrewducker August 15 2013, 12:50:38 UTC
They undoubtedly make sure the audience is well lubricated. And there's a warm-up comedian.

And the audience will be made of excitable people who are all massive fans of the show.


danieldwilliam August 15 2013, 12:56:26 UTC
If I knew how to do it the temptation to hack into the booking software at the BBC and send all the lovers of comedy to a Count Arthur Strong recording and vice versa just for the, wait for it, LOLZ would be huge.


alitheapipkin August 15 2013, 13:01:53 UTC
I still cannot believe they have made that into a TV show, everyone I know who has heard of it, thinks the radio version is the most unfunny comedy radio 4 have ever broadcast*.

*That may be a slight exaggeration but you get the idea.


Barbara Cartland danieldwilliam August 15 2013, 13:44:00 UTC
Jings, Barbara Cartland wrote a lot.


Re: Barbara Cartland andrewducker August 15 2013, 14:13:54 UTC
Mostly Twilight Fanfic, from what I understand.


Re: Barbara Cartland danieldwilliam August 15 2013, 14:54:52 UTC


Re: Barbara Cartland philmophlegm August 15 2013, 14:55:13 UTC
Funniest. Comment. Today.


holyoutlaw August 15 2013, 16:38:11 UTC
[off topic]

Here's a very interesting article from 2002 about Orson Scott Card that I think deserves wider circulation. It was only recently brought online:


[This is pretty much the same comment I made to supergee.]


andrewducker August 15 2013, 20:15:18 UTC
Much though I disapprove of OSC, I don't really feel comfortable with things that speculate about people's sexuality.

Try James Nicoll :->


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