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drdoug May 24 2013, 16:36:22 UTC
I'm already dubbing his 'Geometric Unity' theory Wrelativity.


kerrypolka May 24 2013, 12:30:50 UTC
Edinburgh trams: Overhead cables to go up during summer

I don't even live in Edinburgh, and even I responded to this mentally with "HAH!"


ashfae May 24 2013, 21:02:55 UTC
I think you get an Honorary Edinburgher sticker for this. =)


cahwyguy May 24 2013, 14:16:43 UTC
To be precise, Andrew's link is to my entire blog (so you'll get a different story later today when I do my lunchtime post -- of course, I encourage you to read that as well -- it will be a bunch of articles on media). If you want the specific item on things parents miss, go directly to this post. You'll also find in that post links to articles about things students will miss.


andrewducker May 24 2013, 14:25:23 UTC
Well _that_ was particularly stupid of me. I must have been half-asleep when I linked to it!


cahwyguy May 24 2013, 14:35:13 UTC
Well, I'm not going to object. I'd love to get more people reading and commenting on the blog as a whole (or even on the LiveJournal or Dreamwidth journal to which it is mirrored, hint, hint :-)).


ice_hesitant May 24 2013, 18:15:37 UTC
- wishing they had sold things I no longer needed (5%)

I also wish to have sold things the author of that article no longer needs. It does seem like a financial best practice to sell other people's stuff and pocket the proceeds.


steer May 24 2013, 19:45:01 UTC
I have to feel slightly sorry for the woman in collision with the cyclist -- it sounds more like a cyclist hit her and she just phrased it badly. But that's the internet for you -- "justice" happens before facts.


andrewducker May 24 2013, 21:59:49 UTC
That's her side of the story, expressed _after_ she posted saying that she'd knocked him off his bike and got in trouble for it. His side of the story is that she hit him, while she was travelling on the wrong side of the road.

At the moment, I'm more inclined to believe him than her.


steer May 24 2013, 22:23:10 UTC
His version of the story makes no sense whatsoever mind you.

"I bounced back off the car and went through a hedge for about 20 metres. I managed to keep control of the bike; the back brake had locked but I managed to rejoin the road and stop in the middle of it."

Guess we will never know who's right... only who got all the abuse.


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