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Comments 8

naath July 27 2012, 11:34:42 UTC
Seb Coe> Not buying it. I mean, sure, the flag fuck-up may have been illegal but I don't think that Coe is personally responsible for everything every Olympic employee does!


alitheapipkin July 27 2012, 14:11:05 UTC
I thought it was ridiculous too, then I realised it was probably intended to be given they are trying to point out how silly the law is.


andrewducker July 27 2012, 16:14:21 UTC
I wonder who would be held responsible.


joexnz July 27 2012, 12:07:25 UTC
that article about ADHD and not being able to buckle down and do 9-5 constant work, unless you get really engaged and just spend hours figuring something out. Sounds very familiar.

I don't drink coffee, but drinking relentless certainly helped me focus, I just assumed I was tired, maybe it was something else.

But I haven't pulled all nighters or been able to sustain more than 3 -5 hours on one has, even when totally into it


channelpenguin July 27 2012, 12:36:30 UTC
I'm not anything like ADHD, but DO work best in intense bursts of varying duration interspersed with lots of downtime (and plenty of sleep).

I suspect very few people are actually maximally productive or happy 9-5 grind style - it just suits the minion herders.


erindubitably July 27 2012, 13:29:47 UTC
A good collection of links today, thanks!


andrewducker July 27 2012, 15:38:19 UTC
Thank you! And apologies for not replying to your email yet. Early night last night and in aa training course from 9am until just now.


nancylebov July 27 2012, 15:37:44 UTC
That quote about the dullest culture on earth may not be a fair description of how they raise children-- page down to Jeremy Pool's comments.


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