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Comments 19

bart_calendar May 5 2012, 11:48:39 UTC
Won't people just download VLC Media Player?

It's already better then the player that comes with Windows 7 and is free.


theweaselking May 5 2012, 12:45:27 UTC
Also, physical media is dead - so anyone who wants to use in a computer it is a specialist/collector, who presumably then also wants to use software with more features than WMP *anyway*.


philmophlegm May 5 2012, 16:06:13 UTC
Yeah, let's be honest, that's what people have had to do for the last few versions of Windows anyway because it probably had the codec you needed and Windows didn't.


channelpenguin May 7 2012, 09:38:30 UTC
oooh love the icon!


bart_calendar May 5 2012, 11:50:02 UTC
Also, it took me a minute to find that cat gif.

One of the other gifs was somewhat distracting.


andrewducker May 5 2012, 11:52:02 UTC
Who _hasn't_ wanted to do that with a hot air dryer?


bart_calendar May 5 2012, 11:53:23 UTC


skington May 5 2012, 21:12:03 UTC
I really wish she wouldn't put multiple animated gifs in one post. Modern graphics cards aren't optimised for animated gifs, it would appear, so that makes my laptop's fan spin up quite dramatically, and they're large enough that it takes quite a while for them all to load in parallel.


cartesiandaemon May 5 2012, 12:12:13 UTC
US Court rules you can be fired for a Facebook "Like".

*headache* I thought I had started to follow US employment law, but apparently not.

As I understand it, you can usually be fired for any form of free speech, with exceptions if you have a decent employment contract, if you're (under some circumstances) discussing working conditions, if it's a matter of discriminating based on a protected class (race, gender, etc). Possibly under some circumstances political views? And some other things?

I think what this case seems to say is that the government is allowed to fire you (or, for that matter, in principle, pass laws criminalising you for) facebook likes ( ... )


artkouros May 5 2012, 12:28:36 UTC
It's my experience that the greater the energy of the particle accelerator the better the cafeteria food.


spacelem May 5 2012, 13:43:33 UTC
No problems with body hair over here! Actually I wish more people would go natural.


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