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Comments 15

bart_calendar March 22 2012, 11:42:02 UTC
I think you guys should put Alan Moore on a tenner just to piss him off.


andrewducker March 22 2012, 11:58:01 UTC
I plan to buy Before Watchmen, just to piss him off:-)


bart_calendar March 22 2012, 12:20:24 UTC
Hey, did you notice that a Hellmouth is opening up in a Wisconsin town?


Space Trams danieldwilliam March 22 2012, 13:44:49 UTC
$60 billion is a lot of money until…

… you remember that by 2050 there will be some 10 billion people living on Earth and at least half of them will have a standard of living equal to or more than the per capita GDP of the USA when it built the Space Shuttle (or failing that Apollo(2))

And that if 1 person in 100 of the those 10 billion spent just 1% of their per capita GDP on stuff that happens in space(3) that is about $21bn per annum on space stuff

And this thing should last 100 years.

$60bn to drop the cost of cost of getting stuff up there by a factor of 200 for a hundred years.

Basically, building a Space Tram is pocket change…


… you ask an Edinburgh cabby about trams.

Time to put SpaceTram on kickstarter.

(1) $26k in 2005 US$
(2) $21k in 2005 US$
(3) be that GPS sats, com sats, spy sats, medical research, charitable or state giving to pure research, Big Brother in Space entertainment.


autopope March 22 2012, 18:05:47 UTC
The star tram idea lost me at the "if we have a superconducting cable carrying 200 million amperes" point.

It's a bit like saying "if we have a working He3 aneutronic fusion reactor" -- theoretically possible, but oy are there some minor engineering problems in the way!


andrewducker March 22 2012, 18:19:17 UTC
There are also some great comments pointing out that building things in the polar regions is not at all easy.


danieldwilliam March 22 2012, 22:07:48 UTC
I thought there were significant advantages of launching things near the equator.

I was thinking the Northern Territory would be a better location.


danieldwilliam March 22 2012, 22:09:10 UTC
Did any of those comments include the difficulty of wielding a spanner in minus 50 degrees C?

Or the corrosive power of penguin crap?


skreidle April 15 2012, 03:59:43 UTC
Dangit, you linked to page 2 at "Introducing a non-gamer to roleplaying. I really liked this." :P


andrewducker April 15 2012, 10:19:51 UTC
Oops. Bit late for me to change it now, sadly!


skreidle April 15 2012, 19:09:09 UTC
I've been catching up on old links -- most of them your daily linkdumps. :D


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