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Comments 21

nancylebov February 27 2012, 15:49:34 UTC
Alternatives to paypal. There are more alternative in the comments.


(The comment has been removed)

undeadbydawn February 27 2012, 20:03:05 UTC
one might think it worth the relative expense of getting a small team to build the alternative web code, just to ensure, long term, that their business is not held hostage to a single payment portal.

especially given that PayPal appear to be getting worse by the month.

[I have no idea how that'd work in the real world - I am epically not a web dev]


octopoid_horror February 27 2012, 21:02:16 UTC
There are additional concerns for any non-Paypal payment system that relies on a bank or similar. If a site was seen as primarily selling adult content (which Smashwords or Lulu aren't, but some of the "romance" story sites Paypal has forced to change their t&cs recently could be seen as) then that would put it into a high risk category for the bank or payment processing company, which would mean higher charges for payments, a possible annual fee to pay and a lot of hoops to jump through.


undeadbydawn February 27 2012, 20:10:39 UTC
there are those among Labour who either have no appreciation of why they lost, or simply don't care.

and I'm now somewhat sickened by the extent to which my willingness to indulge Labour was based purely on belief in Brown.
there is, I have oft said, a limit to how wrong you can be before it comes crashing down around you. I can only hope people like Harman figure this out before they hand Cameron a decades majority.

meanwhile, I am driven further into the arms of the SNP - who at this point don't even have to prove their own case. They just have to not be anyone else.


octopoid_horror February 27 2012, 21:16:17 UTC
Is this the bit where we post Cool Book Stories?

When I was fifteen, I persuaded my parents to spend a couple of hours driving across Italy when we were on a family holiday, so that we could visit an apparently picturesque spring that I'd read about in a letter by Pliny The Younger, written in the 1st century.

It looked exactly like he'd said, it turned out!


andrewducker February 28 2012, 08:51:32 UTC
I did something similar with the Stannery Parliament in Devon, from The System Of The World. It was just as wet and unpleasant as the book said!


skreidle March 19 2012, 01:34:09 UTC
Steam on the underground: Hopefully not coal-fired, or a particular scene from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged will stay in mind. :)


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