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Comments 14

momentsmusicaux January 17 2012, 11:29:37 UTC
Godwin thing: what the hell was he thinking??

Israel: huh so Clegg does have balls. Could he apply them at home too perhaps?


cartesiandaemon January 17 2012, 12:03:53 UTC
Having a "slap-fight" with a country with nuclear weapons is almost too many balls :)


andrewducker January 17 2012, 12:15:19 UTC
I find it unlikely that Israel will nuke London :->


anton_p_nym January 17 2012, 13:16:47 UTC
I don't think they have anything with enough range to be a threat... maybe if they rigged one to an F-15, but NATO's been practicing how to handle scenarios like that for over fifty years.

-- Steve thinks the Knesset needs to be reminded every now and then that it ain't infallible... better by its friends than its enemies, no?


fub January 17 2012, 15:07:19 UTC
We do the binge TV watching thing, and for us too, it's the only way the fly. We cut the cable more than five years ago, and have been watching downloaded stuff (mostly fansubs) ever since.
Whenever a new season starts, we check out the first episode of every series. Those that make the cut, we collect until we have all the episodes -- then we blaze through 'em at the rate of one season per week (2 episodes per night). It's amazing how much volume you can watch, and still have plenty of time left for other things.


dreema January 17 2012, 18:39:59 UTC
we do something similar here. Surprising the number of new series that get canned after the first seasons (or indeed mid way through a season)


octopoid_horror January 17 2012, 19:55:44 UTC
I watched the final three seasons of The Wire in about a week and a half, and it worked really well. For things that have a lot of characters, a relatively complex plot and don't really have standalone storylines in individual episodes, I think the experience of watching the show really suffers sometimes if you watch episodes at weekly or greater intervals, since the great writing and acting goes to waste while you frantically check the internet to see who the hell some of these people are and what happened two seasons ago that you don't quite remember.


undeadbydawn January 18 2012, 05:37:51 UTC
I only ever watch TV this way. The last time I did otherwise was BSG, making me a victim of the Finale disaster. That was enough to utterly convince me that waiting for episodes is a mug's game.

Currently churning my way through Supernatural. Formulaic as all Hell, but still pretty good fun.


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