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Comments 45

bracknellexile November 22 2011, 11:05:51 UTC
Re: dress codes.

Loved the post but odd that you should use those tags because that article sums up not only how I feel about dress codes but also how I feel about fancy dress. Some folks love it and good luck to 'em. When I go to a party I want to go, socialise, drink and enjoy myself, not have to devote time to something I don't want/need to do :)


andrewducker November 22 2011, 11:11:34 UTC
I vary in how I feel about Fancy Dress parties. I don't mind them occasionally, but I'd feel irked if every party was like that.

And I very much view any kind of dressing up as fancy-dress :->


philmophlegm November 22 2011, 13:29:09 UTC
I'm going to be in the minority on this one, and some may think I'm old-fashioned, but bear with me...

I think the guy complaining about the dress code for dinner in a luxury hotel is completely unreasonable and is missing the point.

This is a luxury hotel. The dress code is simply asking him to show a bit of respect to his fellow diners. I'd say it seems like a pretty relaxed dress code anyway - it doesn't require a tie or a jacket or even socks. What it does do is prevent slobs from getting our of the pool and going to dinner in shorts or jeans, flip-flops and no shirt like you might see in some two-star beach hotel in Benidorm.

Dressing properly is nothing to do with obeying pointless rules and everything to do with basic politeness.


andrewducker November 22 2011, 13:44:06 UTC
This, of course, assumes that it's anyone else's business what I'm wearing, and whether other people's attire should bother you one whit.

I am aware that some business cater to those who wish to impose rules on the attire of those around them, because they are so sensitive to them that they can have their evening ruined by the sight of a pair of shorts. I find it ridiculous though, and I'd rather not pander to them.


(The comment has been removed)

andrewducker November 22 2011, 11:21:09 UTC
Oh, that's fantastic. Cheers. I really should have checked the timestamp on that before passing it on!


artkouros November 22 2011, 11:28:56 UTC
Space X is my hero.


andrewducker November 22 2011, 11:51:34 UTC
I agree. I hadn't realised how much of a difference they were making!


bart_calendar November 22 2011, 11:47:12 UTC
Hollywood is weirdly prudish about sex still ( ... )


andrewducker November 22 2011, 11:51:13 UTC
I'm not sure which of those is the most ridiculous.

They're both despicable though.


bart_calendar November 22 2011, 12:31:42 UTC
Interestingly, this seems to be the point where LiLo started to begin to go crazy. I've always wondered if there was a connection (it's certainly when she started to do everything possible to get out of her Disney contract - particularly since there was a morals/image clause in there that she would have violated if she'd admitted she was lesbian or displayed publicly that she was in a lesbian relationship.)


alitheapipkin November 22 2011, 14:15:40 UTC
Having heard a bit about Breaking Dawn, I was wondering how they were going to film it without it being an 18/R rating, I might know it would be because a horrific birth scene is a good anti-sex message for girls :(

And as for large breasts being unsuitable for children to see even clothed... Utterly appalling :(


philmophlegm November 22 2011, 13:21:17 UTC
I've said this before somewhere on LJ: no single individual, company or pressure group should be allowed to donate more than a few thousand pounds to any one party and nothing to any individual politician.

That is the only way to remove the corruption of political-favours-for-cash from British politics.


andrewducker November 22 2011, 13:23:04 UTC
I'd go with that.

(And you said similar things recently on my LJ, and I think we ended up agreeing then too!)


philmophlegm November 22 2011, 13:36:11 UTC
I couldn't remember where I'd said it...


danieldwilliam November 24 2011, 13:02:03 UTC
When I win the maximum jackpot on the Euro-millions lottery one of the things I’m going to do is to so blatantly buy the next British general election with such a self-satisfied smirk on my face that citizen begin to realise that if you allow people to significantly fund political parties you will get the result that the funder wants.


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