Random Facts

Apr 26, 2007 11:40

Random Facts About My Ticky Go

-Though Ticky has and will eat food raw for the simple sake of feeding himself, he can good decently well. He's more likely to cook for other people than himself.

-Ticky's incredibly non-judgemental of people, and really doesn't care WHAT you do that's outside of society's social structure, whether you be gay, be a child molestor, a murderer or so on.

-Ticky's pretty good at 'magic' tricks (he's really just using his power) and will use them to the entertainment of children, white or black form.

-Ticky hasn't read the bible and isn't particularly compelled too. But he's familiar enough with Christianity to know the basic ideas behind it, and the Earl has told him quite a few of the stories.

-Sometimes in camp Ticky asks people things, adn then they refuse to tell him, and then Ticky hurts them. This isn't actually because Ticky is CURIOUS and don't you DARE not sate his curiousity. It's because it annoys him when people don't do what he wants and it makes him want to hurt them a little. He does LIKE having his curiousity sated but it isn't a thing. People defying him in general risk being introduced to new levels of pain.

-For Ticky, killing is like sex. It's the best sex EVER. It goes beyond releasing certain drugs into his brain. It feeds something deeply primal in him that is, in it's own way, so much MORE than his simple human mind. He likes it, oh he loves it. But whether or not he likes it isn't really relavant. Someone who enjoys killing is what he is, it's as inseperable as being male, being living, being human. The fact that he does, sometimes, hurt people he would prefer not to hurt, might make him sad, but he will almost never actually consider not doing it.

-And pretty much the only way to stop Ticky once he's decided to kill someone is snap him out of it somehow. This can be done by violencing him SO MUCH that he can't go on, strongly surprising him in some way, or distracting him with something. Or being someone he will listen to (pretty much The Earl, maybe Rhode, maybe Mika) and telling him to cut it out.

-However, BECAUSE of the level of pleasure that killing gives him, Ticky's developed a fixation on other pleasures too. Sex, smoking, playing cards, making friends, fighting, laughing, etc etc. These ones, though, he can do without easier in the sense that he won't start going crazy without them. All he REALLY needs to amuse himself is to kill someone now and then. But if he can't do that, he fixates on the others more and more.

-That said, he appreciates these 'simpler' pleasures more than killing, because he recognizes they are the type of thing he'd enjoy even if he wasn't fucking nuts.

-Ticky DOES realize he's crazy, in a clinical way. He remembers when he would have regarded his own actions as psychotic. However he OPERATES on a level of sanity that really does appear normal most of the time. He can reason, sympathize, and understand. He just... knows that he shouldn't enjoy killing the way he does, but does anyway, and he's 99% okay with it.

-When Ticky arrived at camp he didn't smoke more than half a pack a day because they were so expensive. Now he's up to two packs a day and rising because he keeps NOT KILLING PEOPLE.

-This is extrapolation from canon hints, but Ticky is very, very bitter about SOMETHING. My guess is that at some point either a friend of his, or he himself 'gave in' when pushed to the brink of death. The first time Ticky expresses really having something AGAINST humanity is when he says that, when defeated they can't choose anything and die. This coincides with Ticky's tendancy to break people before he kills them, and to respect those that don't break. He also says that Allen's love for humanity is 'youthful', and given Ticky's tendancy to call himself a man and other's boys, I'm guessing Ticky thinks he 'grew out of' such a belief.

-Ticky's power is to "Choose from all of creation". When Ticky rejects something it doesn't technically disappear, but it kind of... functions as if it's not there. Sort of like turning something into a ghost. You can see it, but if you try to touch it you'll just pass through. Thus when Ticky chooses to reject say, a large quantity of air, it creates a vacuum as more air tries to fill in the space. If he continues to reject any air that enters that space, you get a continuous vacuum in space.

-I have no idea how it is Ticky can walk on air using his powers. My guess it's because he 'chooses' it instead of 'rejects' it. But, unless he can change the quality of the things he chooses. I. dunno.

-Ticky hasn't had sex in his black form.

-The organs Ticky removes from the bodies are fed to the Tease

-The reason Ticky eats so much is because the Tease inhabit his body and sort of demand it.

-Ticky really does have trouble remembering names, though even he's not sure at this point if it's because he never tries or if he never tries because he's bad at it. However, he does remember the names of most of the people he talks to often, he just doesn't think to use them.

-Ticky gets letters from the Earl, along with a care basket, every week. It contains stuff like new clothes, food, candy, and Rhode's homework.

-Ticky has no idea that the DGray cast doesn't save because they are afraid of the ressurection methods of their own world, but if he did know he would laugh. Then kill them all.

-Ticky himself saves fairly regularly.

-Ticky would DO just about anyone in camp, if it really came up. But the only people he's had an active interest in fucking are Mika and Rabi. Rabi is pretty much just because he remembers the dream about it, and thinks it would be fun to do it when Rabi was awake. He'd really rather kill both of them tho.

-Ticky is completley fucking broke other than the ten or so dollars his white form has. He gambles for, trades for or steals pretty much everything he wants.

-Despite the fact that Ticky is getting really antsy about wanting to kill someone, he's not the sort to go on a killing spree so you're perfectly safe. Really!

-Ticky has an interdimensional closet courtesy of Rhode. He keeps the key for it in his pocket (black or white form) and a door appears out of nowhere. He walks in and walks out once he's changed. ALL of his stuff is in this closet, so you can't steal from him unless it's on his person or, if he's in his hobo form, he'll sleep with his stuff near him.

-Ticky really isn't particularly fond of any of his family, but he puts up with Rhode in a remarkably 'big brother' fashion.

-Ticky isn't interested in dying and DOES know his place. Sort of. He would probably retreat if really about to die. That said, he doesn't mind LOSING so much as he minds NOT KILLING. He's lost to Mika a couple of times now, and will lose more. He also hasn't used even half of his strength against him and is pretty sure that, if he actually goes all out, he'll win.

ic info

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