Feb 24, 2007 22:04
So I've picked up like. Three new characters since I did this in september.
Scores are 1-10. Vash gets you SPIRITUAL BEAUTY POINTS. I was going to do a sex fantasy meme but I fail at that.
ETA: I AM NOT EVEN LOOKING AT MY LAST MEME so if you went from a 2 to a 6 DON'T ASK ME.
ETA2: FOR THE CURIOUS this is what the scores mean, roughly. 5 is "you are middleground attractive in a camp full of really hot people but I feel nothing special toward you" 6 or 7 means a notable like, 8-10 is A+++ Anything less than five means they aren't attracted at ALL and 1 is either "does not go there" or "as good as ugly" JUDGE FOR YOURSELF and 2-4 are not ugly, but not attractive either. If something AFFECTS THE SCORE I probably said so. Like, if you're a girl and taller than Ed you LOSE POINTS. Or you lose points with Ticky if you're too young. You lose points with Luke by virtue of Luke being Luke. Stuff like that. If you got a # no ping comment it means they feel NOTHING for you, physically or emotionally that would affect the score, but admit that you are probably a 5 out of 10.