(no subject)

Dec 30, 2006 14:06

The essay covers four basic Ticky facts which you will find pretty helpful in interacting with him.

The first is Ticky's name. The second two things are Ticky's forms, Ticky has a White form and a Black form, he can switch between them instantly and at will, and you probably can't recognize him from one to the next.

The fourth thing is how Ticky can't be touched unless he wants to be, and how that will apply to general interaction with him.


The official translation given by the mangaka (actually, it's Kanda who gives them) to Ticky's name is Tyki Mikk. The fandom translations are Ticky or Tiki. I have chosen to go with Ticky entirely because I prefer it when people know how to pronounce names as soon as they read them. Tiki is a word in the English language pronounced "Tee Kee" and is misleading. Tyki is phonetically pronounced "Ticky" and I suspect that's why the author went for such a convoluted spelling (that and typical Engrish issues).

You can call him whatever you prefer. I know people tend to like to stand by whatever name they are most familiar with (Aeris/Aerith battle anyone?) so go ahead and him Ticky/Tiki/Tyki as it suits you, he'll respond to all of it and won't comment on spelling.

Ticky will be in his Black form 90 or more percent of the time while he's at camp. This is because camp itself is a job from the Earl, thus he'll be in his 'work clothes'.

Ticky's black form has brown skin and a line of crosses over his forehead. His eyes are gold. He dresses... well. It can be leather pants, or tailored ones, it means shiny shoes or boots, fitting white button down tops, sometimes vests and coats (both long and short) and the occasional top hat, even a decorative cane. He dresses like an Englishman of some refinement, mainly because it's how the Earl likes him to look.

His hair is typically swept back as seen in (icon) but it'll fall loose plenty of times.

If you aren't sure which form Ticky is in, you can check the icon keywords. Anything ending with 'bb' means black form.

Ticky's White form will probably only show up when he has a strategic need to look different. His white form has pale skin, stubble, is generally dirty. The hair hangs over his eyes and his eyes are covered with very thick, very ugly glasses. He dresses in loose, cheap, dirty clothing and carries himself more like a mannerless commoner than a gentleman. His facial structure doesn't change significantly, but it's not obviously the same either. His eyes are likely brown, but we don't know for sure.

That said, your average person cannot recognize Ticky between his two forms. Ticky goes out of his way to make Allen recognize him, and not even in extremely obvious situations does Allen catch on until Ticky changes appearances right in front of him (neither do Rabi or Crowley, both of whom have seen him in his White and Black from, and Rabi has a perfect memory).

Ticky always wears the glasses when in his white form, and if you don't see them in his icons you can assume he's Black. Also you can check the keywords. Icons of him in his White form end with 'ww'.

So you say you CAN recognize Ticky? It's not impossible. Simple observation probably will not give him away, even if you're used to people using disguises, because he simply doesn't LOOK a whole lot the same. Furthermore there is no magic to him (no genjutsu) to give him away. It's a fully physical change. But there are a couple of hints:

- Ticky smokes the same brand of cigarettes in both forms.

- Ticky is still... Ticky.

Regarding the second... Ticky goes by the name Ticky in both forms. But he won't be walking around introducing himself in his White form so I don't think it will come up. However, his soul is still Ticky's soul. If you identify someone by seeing their soul, reading their thoughts or what have you? Ticky is still Ticky. His White and Black form are mentally and spiritually the same person. If you have an ability such as 'smelling the darkness' as the nobodies have, you might notice that Ticky reeks in both forms. And though not all nobodies can identify just by scent, it wouldn't take too big of a stretch to go "wow, how many people here smell that bad?" etc.

I'll leave it up to you if you can tell. It doesn't matter to me a whole lot, I don't think it will come up much. Ticky doesn't LIKE people knowing him in both forms, and will avoid mixing up his two lives.

Also, regarding whether or not you can go around telling people about Ticky's forms... I would say if you have a good reason to (the D.Gray cast) go ahead. Just keep in mind that it will really irritate Ticky, and an irritated Ticky sometimes rips out people's hearts. Which is to say, expect repercussions =D Feel free to IM or e-mail me to discuss it, but I would suggest against making a post being like "THIS IS TICKY'S WHITE FORM DON'T LET IT FOOL YOU" because he might hurt you a lot.

Touching Ticky-
You know you wanna I mean.

So HERE IS HOW IT WORKS. Each Noah has at least one ability of awesome. Ticky's is that all matter can pass through his body except for what he wants to touch. I also have a theory that he can reject something not only touching his body but keep it from passing through... this is because at one point Ticky walks on water and... I don't know how he would do that unless he could say "I will not touch this and it will not pass through me".

Anyway, canonically the only thing which can touch Ticky against his will is Innocence (I'M TALKING AND A BAD DOUJIN IS FORMING IN MY HEAD). Innocence is more than merely holy, it is literally Of God. Ticky is not vulnerable to crosses or churches or holy water or other such things 'blessed' by humans. The only thing that will hurt him is something which has been created from God.

And if I were to strictly follow canon, I would say this only applies to the Christian God, which is what the canon is about. But... this is a crack RP is it not?

Thus, if your character has an item which is made from god, blessed personally but God his/her self, feel free to whack Ticky with it. If your character IS a god, feel free to be able to smack him around. Keep in mind Ticky is very, very far from helpless even if you CAN touch him. But say... God of Ueki? You have full rights to throw holy pickles at him, or whathave you.

Also! Stuff that can hit him even though it makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE? Funny shit. Basically if you have a harmless NEVER MISSES canon attack which exists for the sake of hilarity? I WILL APPROVE OF YOU TO BEAT TICKY WITH IT. It will confuse the fuck out of him and be awesome. I'm thinking here of stuff like Winry's wrench and other such acts of comedic violence.

Regarding your Super Special Unique Weapon And/Or Power. Can you hit Ticky with it? Probably, not.

I debated for a while letting Ticky be vulnerable to attacks which specifically hit the soul. I know the Bleach weapons are spirit based, I know priests and mages have attacks which fuck with the soul. I decided to not go this route for a few reasons though.

A) I don't know how to deal with a wounded soul. If you're physically fine but your spirit gets cut in half, how does that heal, how does it hurt? Etc etc.

B) I don't like fighting, and while Ticky DOES like fighting, he's not interested in fighting you unless you happen to be an exorcist.

Ticky is a pragmatic guy. He won't waste any sleep over it if he has to smoosh your brain for you. But he knows that in a closed environment like camp if he kills one random person that person's friends are going to come at him, and soon there will be an endless tangle of every shounen retard in camp trying to off him. He's not concerned that they could manage it, but he doesn't want to kill the entire camp, believe it or not. Or go though the trouble of getting out of such a situation. Best to not get in it.

Thus, 95% of you probably can't hit Ticky. This should be fine, because 95% of you Ticky would probably rather talk to than kill. He LIKES humans, he likes interaction and conversation with them. The exorcists are really the only people he has trouble controlling his... urges around.

As far as general touching Ticky interaction? He doesn't mind. You can shake his hand, pat him on the back, drag him around, climb on him, steal his clothes, what-have-you, and he will probably put up with it. He doesn't mind casual touching and will grumble about it instead of just making it impossible for you to touch him. But he's VERY QUICK to decide what he will and won't accept. If you try to ATTACK him, even comically, out of nowhere, you'll pass through him. This means no ninja attacks, no bitch slaps, no face kicks, no gut punches, etc etc. Unless it's one of the previous "never misses because it's funny" canon abilities.

And more or less, since it's such a big thing with him, TELL me if you're touching Ticky in any way (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, TOMO) because A) I have to tell you if it passes through him or not and B) he'll probably react to it since while he doesn't have some HUGE ISSUE with physical contact, he'd probably comment on it.

Any questions? Clarifications? Also please let me know as far as the can recognize Ticky in both forms. THANK YOU.

O, and it should go without saying, but Ticky won't be touching your innards without permission. If you manage to tick him off enough that he WANTS to kill you, and you don't want to die that much, we'll arrange a DISTRACTION. Ticky is pretty easily distracted.

ic info, essay

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