Since I finally caught up with Teen Wolf few days ago and my head is mostly clear (the cold I was fighting finally won) I shall tell you what I think about the first half of season three. But fair warning, the list of things that I liked won't be long.
The great disappointment - melodramatic title is melodramatic, but not less true )
Comments 9
1) Derek - it might be me (and it probably is) but I do think he's developing and all the shitty thing he does are becase he doesn't really know how to handle becoming a different person with attachments and feelings and stuff. But I am seriously biased. And I did hate the Isaac scene.
2) Cora - I don't like her at all, I thought her character would be used up better.
3) The deaths - I agree.
4) Peter - I think they will make him a baddie again, they definitely left it open for future development.
5) Peter's/Gerard's perspective - for me it served as an indicator of others' view of eachother. Stiles' view of Derek, when he automatically assumed the story was crooked. Allison's view of Gerard, Scott's view of him, people's view of Peter, etc. It wasn't as big as you might've expected, but I think I like that for once they decided to underplay something and make it subtle.
6) Isaac - <33333333
2) Exactly! I have feelings for Laura but until someone gives me a perfect story for when Cora was gone, I cannot make myself to care for her.
I guess it can always be a problem if you've read great fanfic (I've also read some great stuff in TW fandom) and then the show goes somewhere completely different and doesn't match up with your ideas of the characters.
And yeah, fandom raised by expectations high. For me, in this fandom, fics were always better than the show itself, but now the difference is just too great. :/
(taka marnacja Cory, ja pierdolę. jaa pieeerdooolęęęę. i odcinka flashbackowego. i jestem jedną z tego 0,01% fandomu, któremu nie podoba się to, co jest robione z Isaaca ://///////////////////////////////////////////////)
Marnuje naprawdę ciekawe możliwości fabularne, a jeszcze bardziej marnuje postacie. Co do Isaaca, to ja ogólnie jestem za. Wkurza mnie tylko, że jego issues są wykorzystywane i przypominane tak boleśnie sporadycznie. Tzn. nie chcę, żeby każdy odcinek był o tym, że Isaac jest biednym małym skrzywdzonym chłopcem, ale mam chwilami wrażenie, że Jeff ma jakieś przypomnienie w telefonie, czy coś, które wyskakuje mu tak jakoś co kilka(naście) odcinków. Coś w stylu: "Hej! Isaac ma issues, weź je gdzieś wepchnij do fabuły odcinka!" A potem znowu wszyscy zapominamy o tym na jakiś czas. Żeby nie było, tak jest z wieloma wątkami, wieloma postaciami, niektóre się nawet nie przypominają w ogóle, ale to mnie wkurza najbardziej.
I like this season but its not my favorite. I have hope that 3B may be a little better?
I agree with you on the awesome character development of Isaac!
And yes, too many deaths this season for sure :/
Isaac ♥
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