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Comments 6

milusia May 27 2013, 23:00:07 UTC
What do you mean IF one was procrastinating most of the year? Are there people somewhere who actually study and revise regularely? I've never met one o___O


andrea_deer May 28 2013, 17:22:58 UTC
I think they might be an urban legend. The closest ones to the ideal image that I've met, where the ones who procrastinated slightly less. Or were really well organized about theis procrastination. XD


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andrea_deer May 28 2013, 17:25:30 UTC
Okay, so I'm going to pretend I haven't read that, because otherwise I'd be all "oh, I can get an extension? no point in trying to be on time then!". But when I will fail to finish on time (and I will, because it's a wild busy time now), I will ask for extension and finish the story :D Thanks for being a horrible Mod like that! XDDD


giallarhorn May 28 2013, 18:41:41 UTC
I feel like life would be a lot easier if sleep weren't needed at all, since it'd just eliminate being tired and give more time to everyone.

Elementary's finale was basically A++, tbh.

Ick, end of the academic year is the worst since everything does tend to get crammed into a really really short period of time :(


andrea_deer May 28 2013, 22:05:19 UTC
Perhaps life would be easier, but I'm not sure I would be willing to give up on sleep completely. I really like it. XD

I liked Elementary's finale, but I've missed some more dramatic sort of capturing Moriarty. Yes, I know, too much drama is not good, but I felt as if it was all building up to something epic and in the end they just tricked her to be in the right place and that's it. Though that gives me hope for more of her in the second season, because I don't think she would be that easy to catch and keep in prison.


giallarhorn May 29 2013, 00:01:42 UTC
I imagine that she will eventually return as a villain, but S2 seems a bit premature to bring her back- probably S3 would feel like a more adequate time to have her return/escape?


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