I wanted to write about how well my prof took me deciding to write my thesis with someone else (she seemed even happier and more relieved than I am, which, rude XD) and also I finally have to write to you about our grand plans about Ireland. I was sitting on the Cabin Pressure pun for a title for that post forever. Unfortunately posts about
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Comments 8
I liked the movie, more then I tought I would! But the music was imo out of place. I only liked Florence's and Lana's songs. Jay-Z was...eeeh. nope. I was really craving old school jazz and swing :(
the fast pacing wasn't that bad (my brain is also altered by televison and modern cinema with fast pacing and fast cuts) but when they were driving the cars it was a bit too fast, because my eyes hurt (then again I think making this movie for 3d was a waste. 2d would be enough). oh and the one scene when they see black people in a car partying with a white driver? lol what.
I agree that the book itself was over the tope, so it didn't really 'destroyed' the source material.
overall, i think it was a decent adaptation. could have been better, but there are worse book adaptations.
I'm glad you liked it more than you thought you would :D And yeah, I watched it in 2D myself. Probably wouldn't go if it was only in 3D, because I hate 3D and this movie really didn't need it, imo.
Too bad we don't agree about the music, but oh, well. Happens XD I'm just happy that you didn't hate the movie :D
I mam jeszcze jedno pytanie, bo ostatnio nam to wyszło w konwersacji trochę dziwnie, czy możesz mi powiedzieć (jeśli czytałaś/oglądałaś "Lalkę") z kim się bardziej utożsamiasz, czyja historia cię bardziej rusza: Wokulskiego czy Gatsby'ego?
Bo ja uważam, że "Wielki Gatsby" to amerykańska "Lalka", ale wychodzi mi z rozmów ze znajomymi, że jak kogoś rusza jedna z tych historii to druga tylko denerwuje. XD Jak jest z tobą? XD (Potrzebuję większej ilości przepytanych osób XD)
Baz Luhrman has a certain style, and I'm not saying this because we should look at this movie as a Baz movie. Baz is different from, say, Quentin Tarantino. Quentin writes and directs all his movies. They are his creations. Baz has adapted things to film before. He has a certain way that is a magically and energetic. People don't need to know that this was a Baz film, but this film was so good because Baz was the director.
Everything about the book is twisted and symbolic and painful and crazy, and I feel like they did an excellent job translating that. I loved what they did with the music. Many people complained because of the lack of jazz, but rap grew out of jazz. And furthermore, it completely fit the movie! It made your heart beat faster. Everything was ridiculously over-the-top because that's how it's supposed to be!
I'm so glad someone else gets it. XD
I understand I often have different opinions than other people and I'm not saying everyone should love this movie, I have nothing against those who didn't, really. But all the opinions I saw were pointing out "mistakes" and "bad sides" of the movie that, as I described, I thought were the whole point of it! :D
The style of this movie is specific and way over-th-top, but it fits so well with the story! ♥_♥
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