People have birthdays, LJ is alive, rejoyce and not think about the test tomorrow!

Jan 23, 2013 20:35

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PELLAMERETHIEL!!! I hope you have a great birthday and I wish you all the best, both in fandom and real life :DDD
  • I'm making new LJ friends, because LiveJournal is alive and goddamn you tumblr you will not ruin the life I built with LiveJournal over the years! Khem. Yes.

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friending meme, life, com rec, friends, meme, wishes, studies, birthday, real life

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Comments 7

vapor January 23 2013, 20:24:31 UTC
Awesome friending meme. Thanks for linking it! :)


andrea_deer January 23 2013, 20:31:11 UTC
You're welcome:D Enjoy! :D


pellamerethiel January 23 2013, 22:53:05 UTC
Dzięki <333


andrea_deer January 23 2013, 22:59:30 UTC


sunshine304 January 24 2013, 19:52:19 UTC
Well, hello new friend!

I hope your test went well (yay for procrastinating? *g*).


andrea_deer January 24 2013, 20:14:53 UTC
Hello there :)

And it realy didn't :/ I felt sick and didn't go :/
Perhaps for the better, because it turned out to be way more complicated than anyone expected D:

I will have to pass this test during my winter break now, but at least I won't be alone in this, two more from my group are in similar situation :)


sunshine304 January 24 2013, 20:30:44 UTC
Yes, perhaps it was better like that. Now you've got more time to prepare! :)


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