Okay, so I wrote overly long note about the first two seasons of Dcotor Who that I just finished today. Obviously involves spoilers for those two seasons and partly for 3rd season and last paragraph involves
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Tak, pojawi się, w kilku końcowych odcinkach 4 sezonu :) I oglądaj dalej! Najlepsze dopiero przed Tobą, 4 sezon to mój absolutny faworyt (Donnaaaa <333333), za to 3 ma najlepszy finał. I nie uprzedzaj się do Marthy, większość jej nie znosi na początku, ale ona ma taaaki potencjał, trzeba tylko przebić się przez tę zewnętrzną warstwę, którą dostajemy na pierwszy rzut oka. Ja na początku też uwielbiałam Rose, ale jak obejrzałam do końca, to przy pozostałych kompankach dla mnie zaczęła wypadać blado.
Rose will show up again. And she will kick asses. But main focus will be on Donna.
How can you hate Martha? Martha stars in Human Nature/Family of Blood, which are the best episodes of DW ever written. Also, Martha is strong-headed and really resolute, and my second fav companion.
Also, what are your thoughts on dancing as a metaphor of sex in DW?
Well, okay, I don't know her well enough to say I hate her, but she didn't make a good impression on me. I guess I will form some more solid opinion after watching more eps with her. (Besides the "missing Rose" thing makes it hard for me to like new companions.)
Also, what are your thoughts on dancing as a metaphor of sex in DW?
Yeah, Martha had it hard. But sh'es really, really awesome.
And sorry to break it to you, but the era of asexual Doctor finished with 9. But you already know it from "Girl in a Fireplace", don't you? I think the most asexual one is 11 but mostly because he behaves as a 9-year-old boy and it's really hard to imagine him in a relationship with anyone.
What? Oh, please, they just snogged. And I do see Doctor in a relationship, just that is a romantic one, not sexual. And yeah, I heard that 11 bring the asexy back, I honestly can't wait XD
(Not to mention the old rule: If a fan views a character as one of certain sexual orientation no matter what will happen in canon it will only back up this theory or be immedietely dismissed.) (Fandom trufax.)
Rather hate "Girl in Fireplace" (sorry, Moffat not this time) but except that so, so true. Satan episodes was totally brilliant (my apocalyptic catholicism sense approved), and "Dalek" is probably my favourite Dalek episode ever....
Yay, I thought I was the only one who didn't get the "masterpiece" that supposedly was "Girl in a Fireplace". People always go "aww" and I go "boooring". Although I like the monsters a lot.
Comments 19
I oglądaj dalej! Najlepsze dopiero przed Tobą, 4 sezon to mój absolutny faworyt (Donnaaaa <333333), za to 3 ma najlepszy finał. I nie uprzedzaj się do Marthy, większość jej nie znosi na początku, ale ona ma taaaki potencjał, trzeba tylko przebić się przez tę zewnętrzną warstwę, którą dostajemy na pierwszy rzut oka. Ja na początku też uwielbiałam Rose, ale jak obejrzałam do końca, to przy pozostałych kompankach dla mnie zaczęła wypadać blado.
Mam nadzieję, że się jeszcze do Marthy przekonam. Jak na razie chyba za bardzo cierpię po utracie Rose XD Zobaczymy jak pójdzie dalej :D
How can you hate Martha? Martha stars in Human Nature/Family of Blood, which are the best episodes of DW ever written. Also, Martha is strong-headed and really resolute, and my second fav companion.
Also, what are your thoughts on dancing as a metaphor of sex in DW?
Well, okay, I don't know her well enough to say I hate her, but she didn't make a good impression on me. I guess I will form some more solid opinion after watching more eps with her. (Besides the "missing Rose" thing makes it hard for me to like new companions.)
Also, what are your thoughts on dancing as a metaphor of sex in DW?
( ... )
And sorry to break it to you, but the era of asexual Doctor finished with 9. But you already know it from "Girl in a Fireplace", don't you? I think the most asexual one is 11 but mostly because he behaves as a 9-year-old boy and it's really hard to imagine him in a relationship with anyone.
(Not to mention the old rule: If a fan views a character as one of certain sexual orientation no matter what will happen in canon it will only back up this theory or be immedietely dismissed.) (Fandom trufax.)
Satan episodes was totally brilliant (my apocalyptic catholicism sense approved), and "Dalek" is probably my favourite Dalek episode ever....
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