Nomen Omen (SPN) Whispers In The Dark (SPN)

May 16, 2009 17:14

Just two short ficlets I wrote while I was bored in class sometime this week and now I finally got a chance to type them on the comp. Enjoy.

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Title: Nomen Omen.
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Cassie. Just because I suddenly like her name.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Well, for the character of Cassie. And the joke is about Cass ( Read more... )

character:dean winchester, angst, fanfiction, character:castiel, supernatural

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Comments 2

r_a_j_ka May 16 2009, 15:44:25 UTC
AWWW! i wish Cassie and Dean met like this *___________* so sweet and cute, bb!


andrea_deer May 16 2009, 15:49:47 UTC
I'm The Queen Of Fluff.


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