Nights of the Round Table 2: We have iTunes!

Oct 12, 2011 10:28

Take two of Nights 2 -- on the first attempt, lj ate all but three lines of the post. The links seemed to confuse it.  And, according to the preview are still confusing it... Way to make Dreamwidth look good guys.

Nights of the Round Table (an e-Collection) now available on iTunes.  Yay!

UK: more... )

links, shilling, eeeeek!

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Comments 17

keristor October 12 2011, 14:34:19 UTC
Dreamworks? I suspect you mean Dreamwidth, unless you really have signed an agreement with Spielberg (in which case congratulations!) *g*.

Oh dear, so even Canada is suspect with B&N? Sigh (no response yet to the email I sent them about the runaround, but it's probably still early where they are).


andpuff October 12 2011, 15:07:48 UTC
Unfortunately, Mr. Spielberg is not returning my calls... :)


knittingwoman October 14 2011, 00:57:36 UTC
they issued me a refund:)


andpuff October 16 2011, 18:03:32 UTC


angelicalangie October 12 2011, 14:36:25 UTC
Oooh nifty and as soon as I can afford (hook and by crook, I believe is the term, or maybe Christmas, who knows - one way or another it will be mine) I will be buying from the iTunes store UK.

In other news, I don't know if you or your other UK fans know but there is a video on demand company called Blinkbox who have Blood Ties - the entire series - for free on their site. It is legal, this much I do know. I thought it would be worth you knowing, and maybe neat for your other UK fans to enjoy the episodes (there are three quality versions for each type of internet connection too)


saruby October 12 2011, 16:02:24 UTC
Any word on Smashwords? I'm very excited.


mbernardi October 12 2011, 16:54:54 UTC
I'm waiting for smashwords too, as they don't charge VAT and are DRM free.


archangelbeth October 13 2011, 01:08:35 UTC
Same. Well, not the VAT part. (Also, I can back up anything I buy from them much more easily.)


knittingwoman October 12 2011, 19:53:00 UTC
i bought it through B and N earlier today, now if I can just get my computer to let me know where it went.... I should have waited for i tunes:(


knittingwoman October 12 2011, 19:54:55 UTC
replying to my own comment as it seems that I can't really DL from B and N even though they let me pay them money:(


andpuff October 13 2011, 00:30:29 UTC
Did you get the money back?!


knittingwoman October 13 2011, 13:10:13 UTC
nope. i just got an automatic e-mail reply that they will get back to me in 24-48 hours:( so now I've paid for the e book, don't have the book and am trying to wait (not very patiently!!!) to hear back from B and N before I buy through itunes.


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