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Comments 92

saruby March 15 2011, 23:54:00 UTC
Hell. Do you have to abate the mould before you tear down the old house? Do you need to seal up the old house to keep from being (further) exposed to mould?


andpuff March 15 2011, 23:58:18 UTC
We're working on the asumption that we've been living with it for years and it hasn't killed us yet. And because we're very, very rural we're the only people it effects. (the guys doing the demo have seen worse)


wiliqueen March 15 2011, 23:54:48 UTC
Holy mother of Hong Kong Phooey.

That's... pretty much all I got.

:: sends all available extra patience ::


maiac March 15 2011, 23:58:20 UTC
It's bad enough that you will have to live with a massive rebuilding project. But OMG, the cats! And the dogs!


andpuff March 16 2011, 00:00:05 UTC
The dogs won't care much as long as we're with them, but I'm worried about the cats and large machinery. For the demo, we plan to lock them into various rooms in the addition. If it wasn't for them, we'd move out and do it all in one step.


msminlr March 16 2011, 23:19:05 UTC
Could you board the cats at the vet during the demo?


icedrake March 15 2011, 23:59:38 UTC
Holy FUCK.

I will not be complaining about my house (as much) anymore. Or about the imbeciles who did creative things with plumbing like going from 3/4" pipe to 1/2" pipe back to 3/4", in the space of four metres.

But the terrifying shade of pink they used on the defenseless living room? That, I am totally going to keep complaining about.


lady_zylle March 16 2011, 03:13:57 UTC
Hey! My last home had a bedroom that color! ...I painted over it before moving in.


icedrake March 16 2011, 04:05:16 UTC
Oh, rest assured, so did we.


tibicina March 16 2011, 11:50:17 UTC
When we moved in to our current house the tile in the master bathroom was pale-lime-green with lavender trim... and in the other upstairs bathroom it was lavender with lime green trim. I love purple and I thought the purple in that tile was hideous... and the green they'd chosen honestly only managed to make it worse.

Our only possible thought is that they got the lime green and lavender tile on clearance somewhere because no one else was insane enough to use it and decided somehow that using them as the trim for each other would be clever... or... something.


herewiss13 March 15 2011, 23:59:57 UTC

This does not encourage me to leave our apartment and seek the mantle of home-ownership.


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