Jan 22, 2007 08:57

I heard from Peter Mohen (show-runner, producer) this weekend that Lifetime has comitted to showing the two hour premiere of BLOOD TIES on March 11th. He thinks it'll run at 9pm but you should check your local listings.

The premiere is an adaptation of the first book, BLOOD PRICE. Peter wrote the adaptation and did an amazing job distilling 272 pages of book (with small type and no spacing to speak of) into 100 pages of script. His Norman is a lot creepier than mine and I love the minor demon. (the fight between the demon and Henry... whoa...  the scene right after the fight... OMG!) He's managed to fit in a flashback and use the end of the episode to set up mytharc for the first season.

So, to reinterate... two hour premiere of BLOOD TIES on Lifetime March 11th. Probably at 9pm but check local listings.

This, is a picture of me, Kyle (Henry) and Gina (Coreen).  I don't actually like having my picture (ignoring the whole appearing as a hooker thing) taken but Randy Zalken, the executive producer, the man whose faith in this project is the only reason it's being made, took my camera and said, "You need to be in this."  So I guess I did.   Kyle, just so you know, does as many of his own stunts as the producers and insurance people let him get away with.  The scene where Henry jumps off the roof of  building, that's really Kyle.  (Fans of Supernatural take note:  we didn't make our boy get rid of his chest hair. ;)

ETA:  That's the US premiere on Liftetime the  American cable channel, since there's been some confusion.  Up here in the great white north, we still won't see it until fall.

blood ties

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