Title: Lunch
Prompt: formal
Warnings: none
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Maggie and Tabitha are MINE. Please don't take them. The dorm mates are just random names. All the idols from SM Entertainment are not mine, and none of this happened.
Summary: A casual lunch.
reader_a, because she likes them. And maybe a little because the teaser pics for "Catch Me" look really good (and make me wish they were still five).
Prompt table The choreographer dismissed them for lunch, and Maggie collapsed - rather melodramatically - to the floor. "I thought he'd never let us go," she murmured to HyunJu. HyunJu started talking to her again when she'd revealed between fits of giggles that she'd heard Key had had to buy lunch for all of Shinee after Maggie had knocked them all down. Maggie didn't ask why she found that so funny, but she got the impression HyunJu thought he'd deserved it.
"The worst part is," YiJae moaned from her spot a couple of feet away, flat on her back, "he's coming back in an hour and expects us to be back as well."
Maggie sighed and climbed to her feet. She didn't take a step at first, not sure she'd be able to, but her legs felt pretty steady under her. "True," she said. "Come on, we'd better eat, then." Missing lunch made the afternoon that much harder to deal with, and they had at least two more hours of dance practice.
They'd all gotten moving, gathering up bags and whatever else when the door opened. "Maggie?"
"What?" The appearance of JaHyun (she'd never really gotten her title, just called her what the others did) this time made her stomach twist.
"Come with me."
Maggie glanced at MinHee, then shrugged her bag on her shoulder and followed, more than a little nervous. That didn't go away when she ushered Maggie into an obviously well established practice room, and two familiar smiles greeted her. She bowed, looking confused, and ChangMin laughed and got to his feet. "Come have lunch with us," he said, set her bag down, and pulled her over to where a plate and an extra pair of chopsticks waited. She sat down gingerly.
YunHo laughed. "She's still not explaining things, I see," he said.
"No, sunbae-nim," she said, stumbling a bit over the words.
"No need to be so formal," YunHo told her, turning serious, although his eyes still twinkled at her. "Especially after the performances you did with ChangMin."
"Yes," ChangMin added, smiling at her, looking much more boyish than his onstage persona. "Agreed."
Maggie nodded, and carefully didn't say much that would require getting their attention, because she really had no idea what that meant. She spent a lovely hour with them, laughing and eating and began to understand, maybe a little, why some people wanted a group instead of solo.