Title: A little fun
Prompt: thousand
Warnings: none
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Maggie and Tabitha are MINE. Please don't take them. The dorm mates are just random names. All the idols from SM Entertainment are not mine, and none of this happened.
Summary: Dancing on the side
A/N: Hello, bias! no, nothing's going to happen. Um. However, this was for 31 Aug, when I was out of town.
Prompt table Maggie brush the tendrils of sweat-soaked hair out of her face and wondered, for the thousandth time, how her roommates had talked her into learning the choreography for EXO's Mama. They had enough to learn, to do, and this… well, it was fun (and the boys were really hot). Maybe that's why.
"I still don't get how they fit in that… butt wiggle," Maggie muttered.
"The what?" YooMi asked, because the last two words were in English.
"In the dance break," Maggie said. As long as they talked music or dance - and with her friends, not someone she now would recognize - she could understand and be understood. "Once the last line joins, they turn…." She moved through the steps slowly, and turned when she was supposed to. "There. Slow, it's okay, but how do they do it at speed?"
"Lots of practice."
Not a voice she knew. Maggie turned and then flushed even brighter red than she already was, due to exertion.
The rest of the girls bowed immediately; still flustered, Maggie did the same thing, if belatedly. She should know his name at least, she'd seen him when the rest of the group came to get Kris and Tao after the first time she'd met them. But no, she didn't. Stupid.
"I didn't know you learned our choreography," he said, and Maggie snapped back to attention - and stopped staring at him.
"It's for fun," HyunJu said. "We just wanted to."
"Because there are six of us," YooMi added.
"Ah," he said, and grinned. "Can I watch?"
For such a baby face, he was devious. SunYoung accepted for them, and MinHee nudged Maggie into place before she could protest. Then he started the music, and she shoved her embarrassment and everything else to the back of her mind, concentrating on the moves that weren't quite automatic yet.
When they'd finished (including Maggie's attempt at the kick Tao did), she found out why SunYoung had accepted so easily. Small and compact, he danced easily and explained things just as easily - and simply, so she could understand him. By the time someone called his phone ("oops, that's Kris, see you all later"), Maggie understood the steps so much better.
"I should know his name," she mused, walking toward the van with MinHee, the other girls chatting around them. "He's in the group with Kris and Tao."
MinHee grinned. "Minseok," she said. "His stage name is Xiumin, though."
Maggie stared at her, horrified. "Which name do I call him by?" she asked, and then another thought struck her, and her eyes widened. "How many of these people have stage names?"
"A little less than half, I think," HyunJu said.
Maggie groaned. "I'm doomed," she muttered in English.