Title: Not Quite Despair
andersenmomClaim: Coed School
Prompt: Table 4: 17 - Soldier
Fandom: rpf: Coed School
Rating: PG
Word Count: 554
Summary: Taewoon wants to do... something.
Notes/Warnings: This is based off an rp
dizzy_grace and I did a long time ago - well, two of them. In which Taewoon and Yoosung were kidnapped, but only as a distraction to get HyoYoung and Noori. Part of the Mutant!verse created by
Written for
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true.
Taewoon never really thought of himself as a soldier, by any stretch, but then someone had tried to take HyoYoung. No, they'd taken her. And the teachers had gone and taken her back. But that was going to be the theme for as long as she lived.
He'd flirted - no, done more than that - with the idea of having Noori erase him from her memories; half the reason they (whoever they were) had gotten her so easily was because they'd taken him first, and she'd gotten distracted trying to find him. So he was going to do something about that.
He just didn't know what.
"You are frustrated enough that I can feel it at the other end of the school," a familiar voice said, and Taewoon turned slowly to face the head master.
"Sorry, Shim -sunsaengnim," he said, bowing. "I'll try to keep it down."
"Or you could just tell me," ChangMin said gently - and in a way that Taewoon knew he wasn't going to get out of it.
Taewoon shrugged. "I... wanted to figure out a way to refine my talent," he said after a moment. "Find out what kind of damage I can do with pure strength, figure out a way to refine it so I can hit something small. Or find out if I can even do it. I just... don't even know who to ask for help. Or where to start on my own."
ChangMin regarded him seriously. "What brought this on?"
He didn't know? "The kidnapping last month." Let him draw what conclusions he would, but Taewoon didn't think the head master was stupid.
"HyoYoung's? Or yours?"
See? Not stupid. Taewoon sighed. "Her's. She's going to be hunted all her life. And as I determined not to completely remove myself from it... I want to be able to do something. Help her, somehow, even with an illusion that everything will be okay." Please, don't let her be listening....
"Protect her."
"Somehow." He half expected the head master to tell him there was no way, that he couldn't do it.
"You're not too certain about that," ChangMin said.
"Is it even possible?"
"Not totally," ChangMin said. "But every little bit helps."
"Make them think twice." The head master's lips twisted into a smirk. "Those would-be kidnappers never came back after the others chased them down and got me, Ryeowook-hyung, and Yoochun-hyung back. No one else has tried since."
Taewoon thought about that. "But there are no guarantees."
"No one can give you guarantees," ChangMin said. "Not even JaeJoong-hyung."
The precog. Right. But oddly enough, that made Taewoon feel better. He couldn't expect perfection, he couldn't expect that he would find the exact... whatever that would keep her safe. All he could do is do his best. And then chase her down when someone actually got her, and get her back. "Of course not," he murmured.
ChangMin smiled. "As for your idea, I think it's a good one. Come up with what you can, and we'll see if we can't find someone to help you with what you want to do if it doesn't work."
Taewoon bowed. "I will. Thank you, sunsaengnim."
ChangMin bowed back. "You're welcome," he said, and left. Taewoon frowned and tried to figure out how he would do what he wanted to.