Title: Familiar Face in Unfamiliar Surroundings
andersenmomClaim: Coed School
Prompt: Table 4: 06 - Storm
Fandom: rpf: Coed School
Rating: G
Word Count: 350
Summary: YoungSaeng arrives at the school.
Notes/Warnings: Last name serendipity. Their relationship is all
renichifreak's fault. Part of the Mutant!verse created by
dizzy_grace. Takes place before
What's a Little Danger Between Friends?Written for
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true.
The storm rattled the windows of the car but didn't bother YoungSaeng. He peered out, disturbed by something much more alarming.
A whole school of new people.
Seriously, why did they think he'd sung to the girl? He couldn't talk to her to save his life. Smaller, in that case, wasn't much better. No, it was worse. How in the world was he going to do this without friends?
They pulled onto the drive, and then took forever to get to the house. If they were allowed to run around on the grounds, it would make things a lot easier. If wet, he realized when the car stopped still some distance from the front door. "Go in," his father said. "I'll get your suitcase."
YoungSaeng got out and ran after his mother up the walk to the front door, and it opened as they reached it. Heavenly smells greeted him, and his stomach growled. He'd been so nervous he hadn't eaten when they stopped.
The director met them, a tall young man - much younger than YoungSaeng would have thought - and stood talking to his mother. A crowd of kids, some his age, by the looks, came down in a noisy group, glancing at them in curiosity without stopping. Except for one girl, who stared at him, glanced at his mother, and grinned.
He knew that smile.
"Oppa!" she shrieked, and ran at him.
"Chanmi-ya!" He caught her in a hug, glad to see her, and relieved. At least he knew one person in this school. "How long have you been here?"
"Almost a year," Chanmi said. "Shim-sunsaengnim, can I take YoungSaeng-oppa to dinner? Knowing him, he hasn't eaten and he's hungry."
"Chanmi," YoungSaeng hissed, and she grinned at him.
"He's my cousin," she clarified, although the director looked like he knew that.
"Yes, go. Bring him to my office after, though."
Chanmi bowed and then dragged Youngsaeng off after the rest of the group, and he managed a bow before they disappeared down the stairs to the cafeteria.
Okay, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad, being here.