Title: Boredom
Super Junior 100 challenge # 11/100
Rating: G
Characters: HeeChul, Geng, SungMin, LeeTeuk, Siwon, Boa
Universe: Triangle!Verse
Prompt: 015: Lick, HeeChul/Hankyung
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true.
Summary: A boring day at the office.
Writer's note: Based in a massive undertaking I started in April for
Script Frenzy and attempted to novelize in
summerwrite. It didn't happen. However, as I have this world set up, I'm going to play in it. The master list of fics (including the order) is found
Writer's note 2: And yes, I'm well aware that Board and Bored probably sound utterly different in Korean. I'm sure there's some kind of word play possible surrounding that, though….
A bored HeeChul is a dangerous HeeChul, Geng decided one afternoon. They stood quietly - well, maybe not so quietly - behind Boa as the board meeting (HeeChul insisted it should be called bored meeting, and had actually gotten Boa to laugh at that comment) droned on and on.
It was well within his rights, Geng thought, to sit down next to her chair, out of sight of most of the men at the table, and so he did, keeping HeeChul in sight. It didn't surprise him when HeeChul sat down as well - it got tiring, being in one position - and they sat still for a while.
It did surprise him when Boa's hand rested gently on top of his head, gently stroking - petting, was he a pet? That could be argued - his hair. After a minute, she left him alone, and did the same to HeeChul, who actually - quietly - purred, and then, perfectly naturally, licked his hand, looking for all the world like a very pleased, pampered cat.
As soon as the boardroom had emptied, Geng, HeeChul, SungMin and LeeTeuk laughed nearly hard enough to make themselves cry. Boa merely grinned, and Siwon-sshi looked completely confused.
"I'll explain later," Boa said to him, tucked her hand in his arm, and the four of them composed themselves before they left the conference room.
Prompt list