I've been trawling through online archives of vintage/antique photographs, and many of them, when I see them, make me think Narnia. I've pulled some to share with you, and maybeIhopemaybe they will inspire you to write fics or ficlets. The times/eras are all over the place, not necessarily canon to the Narniaverse timeline, but that's always been wiggly anyway.
Lucy, stop bothering your sister.
Ed's always been fond of chess, but since they got back from the country he's found playing against other boys his age depressingly simple.
Snake-charmers in Tashbaan.
What nobody knew was that Lucy had fallen in love. If he hadn't been deployed a few weeks earlier he'd have come along that day to visit Uncle Digs and Aunt Polly. He'd always loved her stories, and she told him - not entirely untruthfully - that they were who she'd learned them from.
Susan and Tebbitt did not stay apart forever.
(I am bad with military uniforms, so if that doesn't apply, just pretend it does.)
Susan always did love to dance.
Shortly after he was demobbed, Digory lost a bet. Polly had her camera close to hand, as any explorer would.
That year, Father Christmas sent Glendon the best present she'd ever gotten.
It soon became a tradition for Polly to spend part of the holidays with Digory's family in that fantastic country house, though it was very far away,
A good harvest in Archenland.
Father Christmas often stayed for the entire winter festival, watching with contentment.
The fashions in the Lone Islands tended towards excess, but nobody seemed to mind.
The paved city of Narrowhaven was a feast for the eyes, with whitewashed walls, brightly-dressed citizens, and flowers planted everywhere they would grow.
Lady Morgan of the House of Lynch never parted with the Lion pin that Edmund gave her one day when, in consternation, he realized he'd run clear out of Shinys and her beetle was already across the circle.