Title: Englishman in New York
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: PG-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by
Day 178 - In this light his cheekbones were insane. )
Comments 8
I hope the mother spaceship will never come to get him back!
They melted into each other with a kiss.
Awww, I love that sentence.
and suddenly ‘blowjob’ did not fit as the final word. Sorry.
Don't worry. There's a blowjob. It's off-screen, that's all.
You made it! Well done! And congratulations for not using "pickle" in a, er, less scientific context. :D
To which I replied, “I feel strangely compelled to put all four words into one 221B now.”
Anarion's brain is A*M*A*Z*I*N*G*laughing in astonishment 'cause you did it, used all four words. Beautifully. Elegantly.
Can't stop smiling at this, can't stop rereading it, can't stop feeling lucky that share your writing with us.
Thank You doesn't seem like enough.
Hear's a *Smooch* for your impressive self.
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