Title: Wait a minute, Mister Postman
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: PG-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by
Previous 221b:
Two is company, three's a crowd Today's prompt: America
Wait a minute, Mister Postman
“Morning, Sherlock. I’m just going to get the post, then I’m going to make breakfast. You want some?”
“Post’s on the table. Tea please.”
John stops in the doorway, looks at Sherlock, shrugs and goes into the kitchen. A few days ago Sherlock suddenly started taking in the post and opening it first thing in the morning. John was impressed at first, then thought he might be waiting for one of his obscure deliveries, but now starts getting suspicious.
He takes the tea into the living room and sits down at the table, across from Sherlock. He knows that asking won’t get him anywhere, so he just looks at the other man until he lowers the paper, frowns at him and snaps, “What?”
“You know what.”
“There was a letter.”
“A letter.”
“To you.”
John sighs inwardly. This is going to take a while.
In the end he coaxes Sherlock into telling him that he accidentally opened a letter to John and found an invitation for a medical conference in America. Because he didn’t want John to go he tried to hide the letter and possible follow-ups.
“What made you think I would want to go?”
“I didn’t think.”
“Clearly. But you stole my post. I think as compensation you...”
“I’m not cleaning the kitchen”, Sherlock says without missing a beat.
Next 221b:
Great Expectations ------------------
Today's prompt was 'America'.
I'm watching the Avengers right now and am giggling every time Captain AMERICA shows up. What do you mean, easily amused???