Fic: 221B - Play it cool

Jul 26, 2013 08:14

Title: Play it cool
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: Pg-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by atlinmerrick. Day 339.

Previous 221b: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

Today's prompt: lipstick


Play it cool

“Are you wearing lipstick?”

“Certainly not.”

He wasn’t wearing lipstick, but he might have been chewing on his lower lip unconsciously while thinking about kissing John. That was a new thing, doing things unconsciously. Something he didn’t seem to be able to get control over. Something that only started happening after he realised he was in love with John.

Sherlock lowered his head to hide his blush. Also a new thing. Something he didn’t seem to be able to get control over. Something that only started happening after he realised he was in love with John.

Thankfully John was not looking at him anymore, he had his back to Sherlock and stared into the fridge.


Since when did his lanky flatmate have such red lips? You couldn’t not stare! Was he wearing lipstick? Some kind of weird experiment?

Clearly he was not inclined to talk to John right now, brushing him off with a short reply and focusing back on the paper.

Now that he thought about it, John was rather glad that Sherlock wasn’t looking at him, because he was still thinking about those lips, although he wasn’t supposed to, since Sherlock made it very clear that his lips were off-limits. His everything, in fact.

John silently groaned and stuck his head into the fridge to cool his blush.

Next 221b: Piece of cake

The prompt was 'lipstick'.


pre-slash (sorry), epiphany, 221b, humour, sherlock_bbc, lust, longing, character insight, insecure!sherlock, prompt-fill, sherlock having thinky thoughts, 365 days challenge, unresolved sexual tension, sherlock/john

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